Sure...?? There's really no reason to not play it if you're even vaguely interested. It's free, under an hour, and derivative enough that you'll have forgotten about it before it even finished installing. I don't mean that as a criticism. I like playing games that I'll never think about again.

My only criticism is that there were too many achievements that were trying to get cute with me. As someone who has no investment in collecting achievements, this game diminishes the value of achievements. The more I write about this game, the more I'm convincing myself I disliked it.

Along side the first game, I played this in a call with my friend late at night. At one point we just reached a mutual silence. The game had me entranced in it's chill moody ost and pixel art, while I talked to an sad anime girl about how difficult grocery shopping is. I think that's what the game is about? It's short but compelling. Before you go to bed tonight, take a minute to play these games.

Olli Olli! This game is fun! I watched this Tony Hawk Documentary about how he used skateboarding as a way to hide from his emotional problems. Skate culture is nuts! People are gonna kill themselves doing those stunts! All I can say is, Live by the board, die by the board. Great game!

I have know idea why I ever wanted this game. I hate 2d mario and I hate the idea of playing a game where the devs are saying "Oh kind player, won't you please design these mario levels for us?" It's a piece of shit and I won't stand for this.