its like playing a tight shooter inside of a fat body you can't control

didn't beat it and probably won't, but fuck it's kinda funny

a somewhat charming but janky platformer that brings u on a pretty sweet ass adventure, just to say fuck you in the end.

between the sometimes awful level design, bad map navigation, and random difficulty spikes, the charm and character are here but just like the office space in the game itself, it’s lacking something in every department.

if you came here for balls, this game gives a lot of balls, and the balls move fast when you tell them too. i love balls.

the goopy vampire survivors lobe of my brain has activated, it likes this

ppl calling it “too basic” forget I have goopy goblin brain. This is a video game, I don’t wanna change gears and watch my speed for turns. I WANNA GO FAST WHILE I EAT FUCKIN CHEETOS DAWG.

Graphics are also pretty.

shit like this is what we shoulda got when the game first came out. I know ur gonna say “just replay it” but nah, I don’t wanna dude. This went hard, now I’m done and satisfied. Goodnight sweet prince, thank u for leaving on a positive note.

Best expansion to date.

epic gave me this game for free and I still don’t give a shit

bricked my steam deck twice, tried on my pc and gave me a fucking bluescreen

games aren’t supposed to do that, right

idk how to explain this game. The art and writing team were COOKING, and then everyone else was smoking meth

bring butt boy to the top of a mountain

very pretty

fun af and based ass game, get it with some friends and use proximity chat

u think u beat the game? Ur so wrong

edit: let this game sit for a bit and it's slowly feeling more and more underwhelming.