Being a porn game doesn't excuse the shitty writing and characters. I swear all of them are either weird or annoying, if not both.
Do people really jack off playing this ?

Special mention to that dumbass cocaine addict, writing such a bad character is a real exploit I can only admire.

i'm not a coomer i'm not a coomer i'm not a coomer i'm not a coomer i'm not a coomer i'm not

It took me almost 2 years to finish this fucking game man fuck this shitty story why is Zephiel the only interesting character (his backstory goes really hard no spoilers). I still see chapter 14 in my nightmares...

tl;dr: Play this game over the Vanilla PS2 game

People often overlook how much of an upgrade Golden is compared to Vanilla P4. Sure, the graphics are somehow worse than the PS2 version. But the added dialogues, events, cutscenes… All of it adds so much charm to the game.
I always thought P4 was a boring game, where nothing really happens. It did not help that the villain was spoiled for me… But Golden changed my perspective. I understood how much of a great game it was.
One of the big regrets I had when re-playing it on steam tho, was that most of the TV Listings things were deleted from the game.
It's just too bad it did not add more Chihiro screen-time --> More Chihiro = more happiness in the world.

could have used all that time getting a real life girlfriend instead

chill Fubuki, I can do an eternal blizzard too

my first game ever and it's the best pokemon

I will forever ask people to start the series with 1 (or kiwami). 0 is good but it becomes infinitely better if you are already acquainted with the characters.

picross and hatsune miku... what more is there to say...

Aside from being my favourite, it has no input lag. Take that ps vita games...

I pirated my psp to play this game in 2010 ily luka

you can chose between future tone and mega mix style + the mods make it so much better than the switch version

the added context and trivia to songs makes the game one of the best in the series

they got rid of most features that made the games truly great :(
Let me take care of my miku like a tamagotchi again...

Good story with some ups and downs (leo/need is BORING), but the characters mostly make up for it (except leo/need). Gameplay is really great, smooth, and you can play with your thumbs, kind of. The gacha rates are abysmal tho. Good if you like vocaloids or are a teenager.