It's just the first one again with minor tweaks and therefore insufferable and vapid in the exact same ways lol.

Granted this is the only DMC I've ever finished but the only thing stopping this from being the best in the series is lack of playable Vergil, Trish, and Lady imho (and that the latter two only show up to job to the former and Be Nude which, hey, I'm gay as shit and here for it but c'mon lol).

It's the best one, no contest.


"Justifies the existence of games as a popular art form/medium"-tier good, and tied with KENTICKY ROUTE ZERO as my all-time fav AND genuine greatest of all time pick. That it got a sequel almost but not quite as good is a miracle.

What if the US occupation of Afghanistan but the Taliban are aliens who only communicate with grunts/guttural laughter/high-pitched Flea in THE WILD THORNBERRYS gibbering, and Afghanistan itself is the weapon of mass destruction, and it's all of the worst aspects of ALIENS (which is most of ALIENS) and none of the good but with zombies, and we just make everything after "The Silent Cartographer" a beyond tedious grind with copy-pasted corridors so we can shove this thing out the door on time.

tl;dr JockJamz MARATHON, or the BIOSHOCK to that game's SYSTEM SHOCK. Some interesting/compelling production design and gameplay dynamics throughout (hopping in a Warthog with a buddy is all-time and the assault rifle feels great) but otherwise utterly fucking dire even when playing co-op with a friend, not to mention grossly jingoistic and racist without the polish or design muscle to make it worth fucking with. Just skip to the sequel imho.