this game is good but its not as good as people claim i think, when i first got into SMT the recommendation for the entry to the series was always either Nocturne or SMT IV. because of this i had a bit higher expectations when i started, i brought a 2DS with the game specifically in mind for the authentic experience over the at the time really buggy citra option

The game wasnt bad overall, the combat was fun, the story was kinda interesting and the storytelling itself was great but in comparison to any other game in the series ive played it was just "ok". The battle was fun BUT it was much too easy for most of the game, the gameplay loop was just OK, getting from A to B was more of a chore than it had to be, the side quests never really engaged me as much as other games. SMT IV isnt a bad game its just not a strong one like why start here when i could start with DDS (which i did) or Nocturne.

The things i can say were definitively good was that the location areas were beautiful AF like this is the best looking 3DS game ever imo, and each soundtrack is unique and fits the "post demon outbreak apocalypse tokyo" vibe a lot.

The bad was just the last act of the game was really underwhelming (i did chaos, but this applies to law as well), without being too spoilery its just after that scuffle with the "White". it was pretty strong up until after THAT battle but the final dungeon was such a letdown and so anti climactic i didnt know the final boss was actually the final boss. there was no feeling of like crazy weight or anything like i feel with every other SMT finale ive played ever, including nocturne.

there is some other stuff i dont like with the story but its more an overall criticism of mainline SMT and a bit too spoilery, overall i would say this game is worth playing like there are worse SMT gams you could have played probably and the experience was still pretty fun, just in comparison to any other title, it was the weakest experience i expected more.

(ill probably replay for the neutral route another time and realise this is the biggest coal slop ever or the some real peak)

people will say this trumps every other game in the series through their shattered screen iPhone 8’s and then go to their fridge to see it’s empty the lights are blinking and there is nothing but a slice of week old little ceasers pizza and a 6 pack of stella

I’m no media chud loser or anything but like this game is pretty chill maybe even 5/5 god forbid who knows

tragic ending oh my god let me tell you this is no rayman origins it may have better level design but that can never excuse the mid slop I was served with the worst postgame ever

rayman fans…: PLAY ORIGINS FIRST!!!!!! at least it HAD an ending!!!!!

yeah this game is pretty cool the first bits are pretty boring but after you get the poster legendary everything becomes way awesome

all the Pokémon look pretty cool and catching them is very fun and also after beating the elite four and becoming the champion there are like over 18 something legendaries to catch and a cool postgame

my PC box looks really cool everybody is very impressed when I whip out my legendary box I will say

the game doesn’t run very well at times and can be crazy slow but like the box guys think about the bigger picture

(picture of one of my box)

(picture of another)

(Go on then one more be cheeky)

modern day money spread guys I imported some Pokémon from black1/2 sooooo eeeeeh 😅😅😅 awesome !!!

only writing a proper? review because i had the worst game of fortnite ever triple reboot my teammate because i had annoying kids up my arse the whooole game so this will take my mind of it (no real spoilers probably)

many gamer megatennist chuds will tell you its viable to skip raidou 1 for 2 because they arent connected and reoccuring characters are reintroduced in 2 but i dont think so because 1 is really fun and silly

the gameplay is kind of shit a LITTLE BIT, the game has random encounters which sets you onto a typically square plane with no obstacles and a fixed camera and demons will spawn in waves until all of them are killed. you only have a sword with a slash, charge and joust attack and a gun with different bullets to load in (you can also block too i forgot that). the main way you fight is by summoning in your demon to command manually(ish) or let its fairly competent ai aid you, although the quality of the ai depends on the skills it has pretty much. if you hit an enemy weakness with your demon and hit them with raidou you can fill some go go gauge and do a powerful combo attack with your demon

the game also has a MAG counter which you gotta top up as it costs mag to summon demons and do combo attacks but youll never run out even if you waste it on useless combos you can just capture a shitty demon and trade it into shin sekai for shit loads of mag or whatever
within the game's tutorial youve done the most you can do with the games combat it will never get anymore in depth or complex which i guess creates a same-y vibe but the execution makes it feel like your actually fighting with your demon which is kind of chuddy but its infinitely more interesting fighting as equals rather than mindlessly slashing while getting carried by ai, you actually need to pay attention to your demon(s) and command them well a good example is this infamous (to me) fight during the hiroku invasion you gotta fight mishaguji hes some big penis guy but his attacks can inflict charm which literally turns your demon against you by healing up the boss or something and making you wanna kill yourself

a really shit part of raidou is the demon fusion system and how you tend to stock your demons too, if you arent battling you are doing detective work and you can summon your demons to aid you by using specific skills that their race has. people say its kind of annoying but there are like 5 races so as long as you have a pagan, frost, wind, pyro and volt order demon + a small guy and a fly guy you are pretty chill BUT

because of this and the bond system where you gotta max out your bond with a demon to fuse away makes it so you only fuse demons every 3 episodes or so and along with the fact there are so few demons in the game everyone who has ever played this game will have run the same demon team at some point in the game, going back to the mishaguji ive seen like 4 people talk about how they had raja naga on their team with bufudyne and dia aura which crazy story i had that too!!!! you BARELY fuse demons or get to use a good variety which sucks because the demon models look disgustingly good like its kinda crazy how good they are no bad looking demon (subject to change when i remember an ugly one)

the game has sakes which you can use to boost the bond of your demons quicker but like real talk sell them holy shit uselessss free money its insane and fusion is expensiveeee

the detective gameplay as mentioned is fairly tame its just going a to b but its driven by the story obviously which without spoiling is a crazy interesting and whimsy silly story and the music pairs really well. there is no bad track in the ost at all its inoffensive they didnt try and do anything crazy they just made some good as music

anwyay idk it was really fun and i like it more than its worth this game is probably a 3/5 for normal people but its a crazy goofy time with a good amount of challenge the big gripes are at times it can be a bit of a slog or a bore when its pure sucky detective work or poorly designed gimmick bosses thats it #rumblygoopers #poshcheerios join the army play fortnite with us

ALSO the game isnt necessarily linear there are optional content via training halls scattered across the map and at the shrine where you can fight cool bosses like yoshitsune and beezlebub for fusion (yoshitsune is broken so slept on fuse him PLEASE)

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sorry goopers, devil survivor 2 is NOT GOOD. firstly if you play devil survivor 1 and expect this to be some form of a successor you are WRONG!!! this game fucked me up so bad my DS broke like immediately after

the gameplay is pretty much the same as the first one only they made small little unnecessary tweaks to how it functions/feels so its slightly worse such as the ui being slower and the sfx (and some vfx) being bog awful and ugly but like same thing as 1 if you squint

the story is super silly but thats not why i dont like it, it was slow as fuck from the start and boring but the social tier thing they did with each character was reaaally good and it made the characters a lot less one dimensional than in the first game. how you choose to spend your time/how much you interact with certain people actually influences the story which was pretty crazy too bad the final act of the game sucked so fucking bad

the pick ur side beef was foreshadowed the whole time which i dont have a problem with however the ideologies kind of suck its either be evil (no cool twist just be a knobjockey), be racist or be a normal ass human being.

another thing is the day system in 2 sucks so fucking much it has like no actual sauce to it at all in devil survivor 1 each day was important as the gimmick was there was a 7 day lockdown introduced and you learn that you will die once the lockdown is over which creates a tense scenario and all amplified by the death counter stuff.

in 2 its literally just there like each day will be "tuesdays cheeky little happenings" or "thursdays big wank" or something and it has no real link to the story. if this was its own game seperate from the expectations of devil survivor 1 i wouldnt really care i just dont know why they did it

anyway i found this game super fucking fun after the slow start and wouldve probably put it on par or even higher than the first game like most people do however the final boss portion polaris was the worst fucking disapointing let down ever dude i had the biggest frown on my fucking face i was abt to cry and shit i fused like 8 holy dance drain demons for this fight all hyped and shit cant believe i invested my time in that ass

3 stars probably gonna play the overclocked one if i change my mind on the game ill stable my bollocks to my thigh

picture of my ds like immediately after i finished the game

goopers... play this game if you LOVE little handhelds.... i LOVE my DS and i love shin megami tensei !!!!! the combat was pretty cool and the story was pretty cool but not cool enough for me to 100% new game plus it 5 times and fight lucifer superboss (wasnt super was kind of easy)

i think like its okay not ride or die but its pretty good and i wish atlus did cool things like this again i looove the vfx and sfx oh i love love loooove them but ATLUS SUCKS and they cant make their shit GOOD anymore WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome ass image btw

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goopers, play this game if you hate having fun. this game is lame and boring and the moment it starts to get good and you feel like you wanna play it ITS OVER, too bad the final misisons SUCK the endings are like toooottally bad and you shouldnt play it EVER combat is okay i guess i think three and a half stars heyh im walkin ere