This really is just a mediocre linear FPS with nice visuals, and a pretty miserable and frustrating story. It's rare to see a game packed so full of gimmicks that seem so fun from the outside, but fall so flat during gameplay.

Flying around with the wingsuit and parachute is fun, blowing shit up is fun, and blowing shit up while flying around is really fun. It's a shame that everything else in this game is so, so bad. Vehicles are borderline useless, Rico feels weak in combat and will ragdoll uncontrollably after taking the slightest amount of explosive damage, and the story missions are almost always either boring or frustrating. Destroying military bases and liberating towns is good mindless fun but they play out the same at the beginning of the game as they do at the end, and how long that stays fun will vary from player to player.

The handheld/pistol flashlight was such a good idea, I guess that's why id Software never used it in any of their other games! Thankfully you can correct this blunder with mods, and what the hell, go ahead and disable aimpunch and give yourself all the keypad codes while you're at it. Go another step further and turn on unlimited sprint, and you've got yourself something that actually feels a lot like a Doom game. The worst of them by far, but there's still fun to be had here.

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Remember that flash game you would prank people with in 2007? The maze that got narrower and narrower and had a jump scare right before the end? This is just a fancy version of that, and it costs $6.

Why the hell is this game so horny? Why do you have to spend so much time fighting ghouls and spiders? For a game all about visceral combat, why do I feel like I have the accuracy of a level 1 Morrowind character most of the time? Why did I kind of like it anyway?

Really wanted to like this one, but I was blindsided by the awful gunplay, awful level design, awful AI, and miserably weak storyline. At least it took barely 3 hours to reach the absolutely pathetic ending.

It's really remarkable how badly IO Interactive struggled with basic gameplay elements before finally knocking it out of the park with Hitman 2016. This game was so frustrating to play, I can't imagine how frustrating it must have been to work on, knowing you have the seed of something great, but can't hope to realize. In the end this is just a waste of a cool visual style and a great soundtrack. Just play Max Payne 3 instead.