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1 day

Last played

April 2, 2024

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One of the worst feelings in the world when it comes to videogames is that "I just want to get this over with" sorta mood, you know? It's never fun when a game gets to that point. This is different from simply dropping a game altogether, like I did with Tails' Skypatrol; that was one case where I was retching from the first minute in.

No, this specific feeling works differently. It's a horrible state where you're not exactly having fun anymore, but you were at some point, and now you're too far in so you end up forcing yourself to see how things end? Hard to explain, but that's how I felt here.

3D Blast just... Exists? It's hard to find things to say about it. Calling it dogshit and ripping it a new one would be too harsh since I do think there are worse games out there, but there isn't anything praiseworthy either. The music is pretty damn good? But that's a given when it comes to Sonic games, like a free space in a bingo card.