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saladflute reviewed Jeopardy!
Pretty good fast-paced take, and actually one of the better keyboards for a console Jeopardy (having multiple rows instead of a single left to right thing makes it quicker to navigate).

Sucks that you can't see the other players' scores while making wagers (and the CPU players' wagering strategies make no sense, though tbf that's kinda realistic). Also i'm pretty sure one time i got two Daily Doubles in the same category?

My favorite part -- similar to another Rare-developed game, Anticipation, CPU players sometimes buzz in with an incorrect response which has a scattering of letters from the real response; if you're right on the edge of thinking you know it, those letters might jog your memory enough to get it yourself on the rebound, while usually not being enough to just give you the answer flat out. Very clever and effective way to simulate that.

Being able to buzz in as soon as the clue is revealed (as it was on the actual show until the second season of the Trebek version) can make things pretty unfair, either in your favor if you're playing computers (as they'll always politely give you a few seconds to read it), or against you if you're playing against a human who's played before. Notably, there's no way to reshuffle the categories if you get a board you've seen before, as later versions would add. The manual just recommends resetting the console, but that's obviously not an option once you're in Double or Final (i got a repeat Final question on only my third playthrough; there are more clues than that, but it seems their RNG seeding isn't as random as it could be).

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