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Always wanted to play this game solely off of nostalgia from trailers on youtube, and when I got it, I played it for a while, was almost about to complete all my challenges, and my progress ended up resetting as my pc resetted after a windows update. Came back to it about 2 years ago, It wasn't as enjoyable as I first played it, and I can only guess the nostalgia wore out. In my opinion, despite lacking in the gameplay department, this game had great artsyle, voice actors and was beautifully animated, and it still holds a place in my heart as the costume designs, different suits fit the characters beautifully when the designers merged the beauty of 2d comics and 3d world, giving us the game that is Shattered dimensions, It could've been one of the best spider-man games when it came to gameplay, but the button masher genre held it back by miles. If there's anything I'd want from this game to come back in future games it would be the voice actors, the iconic spiderman animations and the artstyle and in all honesty they should've been the standard for any game that came afterwards