Great combat but awful story, however doesn't stand a chance against the main series, would've been a great title on it's own, and would've gained much more positive traction. IT's not difficult but you can't get as creative with it as much as any other main line dmc game.

The intent of this post is not to sound controversial, rather sharing what I had experienced with this game and why I simply dislike it. Why? I like to discuss things, and it seems this subreddit would be open to share where I'm objectively wrong and perhaps, if I'm convinced, let myself give the game another try.

I'm not going for cheapshots, such as the Batmobile sections or who they decided to be the arkham knight is, batarang sections, or the riddler puzzles. (these are what are usually see being complained about and that I agree with, the rest I criticize solely off of personal experience)

The combat is extremely simple, sometimes feels really floaty, your combo meter being literally based on how many times you press x or y without being interrupted which is just really generic and cheap, the occasional use of gadget is not that exciting and you'd rather go without it than use because the enemy starts going from completely avoiding you/waiting his turn to cock block you from whatever you were trying to accomplish. But I guess if you were a fan of batman you wouldn't mind but an auto assist feature like in dmc would've helped a ton for the combat to have you do more than just ballerina your fist up someone's ass.

The puzzles are excessive and really, really fucking annoying for what's supposed to be an action game, like if I wanted to do puzzles I would've just gone for something more horror oriented where I feel like I NEED to leave this area before I'm killed or stop something awful from happening (Amnesia, Limbo, Resident Evil, Alien Isolation or Prey) rather than half the time I either forgot who I'm stopping or what for, and lose all that mental momentum and excitement to see what's going to happen next?

The story is underwhelming. The only side missions I found interesting were the perfect crime side missions, out of personal preference, as I enjoy the works of Hannibal and Dexter shows. But I was cock blocked, yet again by the fact that I had to do more side missions or other progression stuff to be able to find more victims. (I scouted the map multiple times, there wasn't any music playing, I don't remember if Alfred later then pointed them out or they just mysteriously started to show up again, so I'm not really sure on this one :/)

While I usually love Kevin Conroy's (RIP) performances he just sounds like cardboard in this game... there's no emotion to his voice acting, it almost sounds AI generated but then again, this is an issue with the game itself because all his other performances were nothing less than phenomenal, the voice direction was almost non-existent... They also constantly had him hand holding you on the simplest objectives too, instead of some tip bubble or something.

The stealth is really, really fucking boring. There's just nothing more dull than keeping the player holding some fuck nugget in a choke hold for that long. Like please kill me, Oh, I have to do it for the whole squad in that area and my only other option is just making them gather by crushing someone's skull and then do a multiple fear take down? really? that's it?

Always wanted to play this game solely off of nostalgia from trailers on youtube, and when I got it, I played it for a while, was almost about to complete all my challenges, and my progress ended up resetting as my pc resetted after a windows update. Came back to it about 2 years ago, It wasn't as enjoyable as I first played it, and I can only guess the nostalgia wore out. In my opinion, despite lacking in the gameplay department, this game had great artsyle, voice actors and was beautifully animated, and it still holds a place in my heart as the costume designs, different suits fit the characters beautifully when the designers merged the beauty of 2d comics and 3d world, giving us the game that is Shattered dimensions, It could've been one of the best spider-man games when it came to gameplay, but the button masher genre held it back by miles. If there's anything I'd want from this game to come back in future games it would be the voice actors, the iconic spiderman animations and the artstyle and in all honesty they should've been the standard for any game that came afterwards