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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 20, 2022

Platforms Played


It's not necessarily a bad game... but temper your expectations.

Being able to access and customize various transformations (forms) allows for plenty of diversity in builds- however, combat is rarely compelling or challenging enough to necessitate much thought about builds, and gameplay generally feels mashy.

The overworld is fairly uninteresting to explore, all dungeons are procedurally-generated which makes them feel even more of a slog, and the writing is just not very funny (though not for lack of trying).

However: if you are looking for a game that'll activate the pleasure-seeking centers in your brain through incremental progress, this may be the game for you.

Each form has numerous 'form quests', where you have to complete some sort of combat-related challenge, in order to unlock new abilities and forms. These quests are generally fairly easy and varied, and together with the rest of the game (exploring, completing dungeons, etc.) it becomes the perfect brain-dead kind of experience to have while listening to a podcast or hanging out in a voice chat with friends.

It's not bad to treat yourself to a mindless button-masher once in a while. I definitely needed one.