I did the good run for this game, and it was alright? The puzzles themselves are good at times while others are more cryptic, I liked the story though. Maybe I'll come back to this and get all the achievements for it, but will be a mission

Honestly, I would've paid more for this just because of how the story is. For $1.99 this is steal!!! Despite how short the game is the story and characters are interesting!!! <3333 Would recommend!!!

I honestly have nothing bad to say about this game, it's so captivating from the story to the music, plus the puzzles aren't that difficult that it takes the fun out of it. The artstyle on top is absolutely beautiful and I would play this again :D it only takes about an hour and a half to complete, I highly recommend this if you haven't played it already <3

I did not understand your game at first ConcernedApe.... but I get it now.... I played this originally a few years ago with my partner at the time, it was fun, but I didn't play it again after we stopped playing together, until recently when one of my best friends bought me the PC version. Now I get the hype for it after all this time, this is my go-to when I'm bored right now or when I'm getting off a long day of work, I can get lost mining or fishing for hours. The gameplay is very much the same as all farming games, but for me, getting to know the community and become a part of it made it so enjoyable (especially Elliot and Haley, I think we should kiss-) The music is also very good as well as the bits and pieces of story as you play, honestly just give it a chance, you might like it more than you think.

Cissnei I've loved you since your first appearance in the original and still now......

The original is still superior in every way in my heart, but this was a good remake!! My only complaint is Zack's VA <//3 Why does he sound like that <//3

If you like Mad Father, you'll definitely love Lily's Well. Honestly for a free game, this is amazing. storytelling and visual wise alike!! So long as you don't mind repetitiveness of it, it's really enjoyable!!! PLUS ALL HER OUTFITS ARE SO CUTIE!!!

Short and cute little horror game!!! It definitely has the vibe of an old ps1 horror game mixed with animal croissing!!! <33

I really wanted to rate this higher, but I couldn't. I love the retro style feel of this game, both graphically and sound wise.

It only takes about 2-3 hours to finish, and if you're looking for a short visual novel to play, I'd recommend it but, only if you're okay with sensitive topics.

I would've rated this higher, but some moments in my opinion feel like they missed the mark or came off the wrong way, plus within minutes of the first murder being committed I already knew who the culprit was. But that being said if they ever made another game and improved on some aspects, I wouldn't turn the game away <3

GUYS I LOVE GRIM,,, GUYS PLEASE <333 In all seriousness, it's visual novel that I highly recommend, and it will only take you a few hours to finish!! (If you are doing one route) Him and the MC's dynamic is super sweet, I love the customization options for the MC, plus the music and graphics are terrific! The laptop even has a bunch of nifty things on it! I have yet to do the DLC but this alone is great <3

The story for Roses and Muskets is worth checking out!! The cutscene they did for the fourth act had me in awe!! Plus the event games were fun :D

After months of my younger sister asking, I finally started playing this at the beginning of 2023, I had to stop more than halfway through because one of the buttons on the Wii U was not working and I could not finish the boss fight, it was fixed near the end of the year though. I will say that despite the large gap between playing it was not hard for me to get the hang of it (my sister said I was playing like an AI for a good majority of it but said I was getting better as I played) You can tell there is so much love and care put into this game from its team, the ending credits show this the most for me. I recommend it to anyone, the colors are so vibrant, it's hard to look away, the story is funny and interesting, the characters are amazing, there's honestly nothing negative for me to say about playing this game, it's such an enjoyable experience and I can't wait to play more. ALSO I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR JUDD AND THE ZAPFISH <3

I play the game on the car rides to work in the morning, it's a nice way to pass the time. Once you complete all the main story battles there's not much left to do so I'm hoping more will be added soon <3 the gacha system is not one of the greatest though, this is your warning.

If you enjoyed the fighting this update is right up your alley, although there is not much to it, it took me only a couple of hours to finish it and collect everything, it could take less than that.

The new hats are cute, and the trinkets for the battles are nice but other than that there's not much except for some new information on characters that you can get when talking to them on the train.

Turnip Boy first caught my attention when I saw it on the Steanmpage, the design is very cute and vibrant!! And I mean the title?? Who's not going to want to check it out :D!!

Playing it, I didn't expect much other than it to be silly, and yes, IT IS SO SILLY!!!!! While the main plot is silly, the bits of the game's lore is interesting, and I kept wanting to find more pieces as to what happened. The music was something else I enjoyed, it's so nice!!! :D as well as the character designs, they are cute!!! :D

The puzzles aren't hard to do as well!!! The only thing I had difficulties with was the fighting, my game lagged a bit during boss fights, I don't know if it was just the system I played it on {I played on the switch} but I did have to redo some of the boss fights because of it.

But I would recommend this game to anyone!!! :D It's a silly and great to pass the time. especially with friends or family <333 Also if you're a JJBA fan I'd recommend this.

An attention grabbing first chapter for what seems to be an interesting story!!! I played part of the first chapter years ago but didn't play the full thing until recently.

The style of the game is something I adore, while the beginning is slow the more you get into it the more the world grabs your interest. As well as the characters and story itself!! You find yourself wanting to know what's going to happen in the second EP. I cannot wait to start the second chapter!!!

The puzzles aren't hard too so that's a plus!!! <33 I had a fun time playing this on call with my bestie <3