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AlistairTheirin earned the Replay '14 badge

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3 days ago

AlistairTheirin finished Fashion Dreamer
So let's see this game costs $60, it claims to be a fashion centered game and yet it has like 4 different styles? At best? All the clothes look and feel extremely similar they are all the kind of clothing that's popular with your regular east asian woman which would be fine if this wasn't, as aformentioned, a FASHION game. For example there's an option to choose kimono as your favorite piece of clothing and yet you only unlock it when you have 1M likes and there's only one. Why not have more japanese style clothing?

Then to those who have played it, how come it only has 3 worlds? I'm sorry, so I reach the 4th one in a few hours and then that's it?

Not to mention how much this game lags especially the third world, it is EMBARASSING to ask for $60 of my hard earned money for a game that has nothing to load and yet it lags so damn much.

And even if we were to ignore all my other complaints, this game has nothing to do. There are tons of other fashion games with some plot or not that have some objective. In this one the objective is to see your numbers grow by doing the same combination of things over and over and over.

For example, the so called bingo, which is just numbers gacha, you don't actually do anything but mindlessly click.

Also it's 2024 and clothes are gender locker? Oh sorry "type" locked because they don't call it gender and yet clothes are still locked, absolute idiocy.

5 days ago

7 days ago

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