52 reviews liked by shaggsteru27

The best god of war in terms of everything.

simple game fantastic results worth playing it if you wonder what type of person you are

Its fun and short, can't really complain. Worth a play

I love this dev. They come up with such smart and high concept ideas, and though this didnt hit in the way 7 Days did for me, I still enjoyed the time I spent with it. Normally, personality tests as a concept are something I don't particularly subscribe to (especially as a gameplay format), but in the case of Refind Self it works incredibly well. Playing as an android, simultaneously teaching her humanity while also exercising your own freedom of choice is a very endearing route of storytelling. The grief and kindness expressed through the options you chose, the limited amount of time you have to play reflecting the wind-up android's existence... as seems to always be the case, this dev is very careful and smart in the way they go about presenting their world. I love their artstyle, love the philosophy behind it. The only thing I could say these games lack is music, as each only has a few tracks (few meaning 2 or 3) that don't loop especially well. Highly suggest this dev's catalog for anyone looking for a unique and short, lovingly crafted experience. Really excited to see what they put out next ☆

A beautiful game that hides itself as a personality test, it is a personality test, but so much more.

It's short and cute, but I don't think its as in-depth or deep as advertised. I think maybe I was expecting too much? To get your full "personality test results" you need to play 3 times, and I'm just not really interested in doing that even if its short. I think others might have a better time with this then I did, but I found it a lil "meh".

Oh wow... weirdly emotional, analytical and just so darn charming... didn't expect to want more of something that was dressed up as a personality test.

At least everyone has ample housing

Slide cancel, un sopla hojas que te permite volar un poco y brutalismo con secretos en cada esquina

1 list liked by shaggsteru27