24 Reviews liked by shicoke

It's interesting until you realize you can just play the game on incognito mode and do everything again, only to realize none of your choices really mattered because there weren't any real choices to begin with. While you're at it, you'll also notice that nothing about the game, from its writing to its gameplay, was interesting in the first place.

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(PC - Web)

what i liked :

the music was pretty nice

i like the pixel aesthetic, i do feel like the dev wanted to properly express the story and the idea he had

What i don't like :

i might sound like a jerk but this felt really iffy, the gimmick might sound nice but this advertises itself as a choice based thing when its more likely a ''you gotta know exactly what youre doing to get certain ending'' the game will downright force you to take a decision you didn't want just so it could avoid making more endings based on your choices, and so it could make the ''very cool music part'' that makes people get really sad, i get it, its part of what the dev wanted, but this really feel like people who criticized it talk about, this is pretentious, when i played the first time years ago i was ''oh nooo so sad'' but playing it today, and seeing it more mature eyes, and also some knowledge of coding, i do feel like this could have had more potential, had the dev actually put more effort into the ''choice'' part of the game, the gimmick loses its value if the choice you can make gets pushed agains't you because its not actually a choice but rather a ending path that will guide you through a linear set of events once you do the correct things for what ending you want.

A fine concept. This is basically a truncated version of Pathologic and I got one of the bad endings.

It's okay: 6/10

My teacher showed us this in class once and got so mad when a kid called it gay he had to go outside and calm down.

6 year old me when i found out the sun will explode in 5 billion years core

are you tired of just hearing music ? what if you can SEE MUSIC ?

It has an interesting story and a unique art style, can't wait for chapter 3

My biggest criticism is that everyone in this game is SO EVIL and EXTREMELY cruel, they almost sound like Israelies

Sam Barlow sure knows how to make em. My only regret is... how the fuck do I talk to people about this game? How do I recommend this game?! I can't. I'm all alone. Thanks a lot Sam Barlow

I have fallen deeply in love with Manon Gage.

Possibly the first ever truly ‘Lynchian’ video game. It’s ‘Mulholland Drive’ the videogame. And I absolutely adore it for that reason.

This might be the most fascinating experience I’ve had with art this whole year. There are few games, even movies, on its level.

I don’t really want to talk about the story here. It’s best to experience it, engage with it fully, really discover it piece by piece. It’s shocking, it’s twisty, it’s scary, it’s moving, it’s a lot more than you think going into it.

Manon Gage, and specially Charlotta Mohlin are on another level. Performances like these are only rarely seen.
The way this is played is fascinating as well. Play with a controller, it’s extremely tactile.

I only wish there was an easier way to pick up the last missing clips after you roll credits, kinda like in ‘Her Story’. It´s not really necessary, I believe that by the point you reach the ending you’ll me more than satisfied, It’s just to make it simpler to complete the movies.

It's scary as shit. No doubt. Conceptually at least.

But actually playing it is really boring. Ngl, all for a cheap jumpscare at the end. I dont know, feels overhyped.

In all honnesty, the concept would work best in written form, I'm not even joking.

Sir, they just hit the second Pizza Tower.

the best platformer ive ever played and the only game ive 100% completed. this game, upon a regular playthrough, is very good. however when you go for those sweet sweet p ranks... mwah!!! there is absolutely nothing bad about this game except that i want more. peak

Is this game's story good at all? Not really. Did i still beat it in only like 3 sessions because it engaged me that much? Absolutely.