its so fun when you can control the story no matter how crappy it is

cut way too short for its own good

don't care how shit the story is, it's the most fun i'll ever have playing a VN

just an idea, not a full game

Do you know that one scene from Ratatouille where Remy is combining foods and feeling this musicality in the tasting process? Imagine if it was a video game and you were playing tetris.

Tetris Effect takes two universalities, playing tetris and listening to music, and creates an entrancing experience that I can only compare to straight up jorking it. It's structured with little worlds which are levels that go on through different themes and music and backgrounds. Each level has it's on sound and visual design and they are all really good, it's actually really fun speculating how the song will turn out through the sound effects in the beginning.

The Zone feature is absolutely incredible when you can pull it off, but it can really mess you up. It was a last resort for me at times but the effect it has on your game table is very enchanting sometimes, and it can help relieve stress whenever the pieces are just hurling at you, there are of course scores for each area which I did NOT do good on, but I overall really liked this experience and I would love to play Rez.

as a game it's terrible, as a piece of art it's incredible

pseudo intellectual crap, the oscar-bait of independent games.

Firewatch lured me in with its engaging and realistic dialogue from two great performances that immediately won me over. I was stunned by the quiet moments, and I felt that this would become a favorite about 30 minutes in.

The Beginning montage was interesting, with text intercepting the introduction to the tower, and giving insight into the main character's life. I was spoiled the main message it was setting up for which made it not affect me whatsoever. I gave it a pass though because of all the beautiful images and things I see relating to this game.

Delilah and Henry are wonderful characters, if this game was simply about them bonding over having no human interaction and tackling their problems together over images of fire and routine it would have been for sure a much more beautiful experience. I was not a fan of how it attempted to become a conspiracy thriller in the middle, revealing the father and son story which does not add anything to the themes explored between Henry and Delilah. The ending could have been the greatest quiet moment in gaming, but the tension building in the middle was unnecessary and a cowardly move from the writers. I'm very disappointed in this game. (It was really buggy too btw)

So, I was forced to play this game by someone and I did it, took me 3 days.

Atmosphere is alright, it gets terrifying sometimes but I really like the world and the connections between the sectors.

I love the fuckin water level and the ice levels.

The bosses are shit and I did not enjoy fighting a single one.

The progression is incredible and made me jizz everywhere and I kinda want another hit of it.