Excellent storytelling, nice gameplay, incredible ambiance, and it even got some replay value. The Red Strings Club isn't a pricey game so i would recommend everyone to try it.

was nice when it came out, but it have almost zero replay value so definitely not worth the 60$

yo this game was cute as hell, really fun, and have a great storytelling.
Only downside could be it's a bit long ? i mean personnally i'm happy about that, it makes the game even more worth it's price

Really nice game to play at a party with your friends, but it would need some more frequent update that add new content.

terrible gameplay, but the story is nice. Not the best game ive ever played but it passes the time.

Pas encore fini parce que j'ai fait une pause dans l'apprentissage du code, mais pour l'instant ça me semble un bon entrainement au moins pour se lancer dans les révisions.

Un ami m'a cependant dit qu'il y avait certaines erreurs dans le jeu, certaines réponses n'étant pas correctes par rapport à l'évaluation réel du code. À vérifier.

J'éditerai ce log une fois que j'aurais mon code !

one of my fav game to play when i'm with a few friends

All the sports in the game are really fun to play and i definitely get the same feelings as when i played wii sports. But the thing is wii sports came with your console, Switch Sports cost me like 50$. And 8 sports, as good as they are, isn't enough to be worth this price.

The Almost Gone has a really nice gameplay, the puzzles were just the right amount of difficulty to be fun to resolve without needing to rely on online soluces.

The storytelling started as really good, i always love a kinda cryptic, eerie psychological game, and i liked that the story was sprinkled through little details throughout the game. But the end was kinda anticlimatic, too cryptic for me. Iwould've liked if the game used his last chapter to give more information about the lore.

tl;dr good puzzle game, really good ambiance, a nice story telling at the start, but at the end i'm left hungry for more.

got the game on a charity bundle on itch.io so it's almost like i got it for free.

it's as cute as short, and really fun. i love women.

all hail jimothy.

the first game is just short and cute, but the second is a small gem that's really worth the shot ! it can be a little confusing at times to follow the story imo tho

it's fun to play with friends at party or smthg

even greater than the first chapter imo, the music were awesome (i was nicely surprised to learn that Lena Raine helped Toby on it !), i like that the story seems to get a bit more serious at moment