This game tells a really good Batman story but it is plagued with bugs.

A very cute game from the team that went on to develop The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. The story is fun, the puzzle solving aspects are good. The fight mechanics leave a lot to be desired.

There is an English fan translation patch available from ryanbgstl.

The game is beautiful and the drifter feels great to play. There are some pretty large pain points though mostly having to do with a combination of factors that can lead to bosses one shotting you with almost nothing you can do about it. The story is never explained, and only hinted at through cryptic visuals, leaving it entirely up to the player to interpret.

Cute game. A more refined gameplay loop than the original, which one would expect from a sequel. The game does a great job of getting you from out of one round and into the next one quickly so you don't feel like you're slowing down.

The map mode was one map longer than it should have been as the final map just felt like a chore to slog through at times. The game sometimes throws brawlers at you that have incredibly long hit sequences (I think it says Nemesis on the screen for these?) and they're so long that they really break the flow of a good round. It can also sometimes batch brawlers and/or bosses together and those are only fun when you use a revenge token because it gives you more time to regenerate health. I appreciated the ability to slow the speed down, but on the final map there were still times when it was too much to keep up with. From an accessibility standpoint this might represent a problem for some players.

Watch the ending video. It was extremely wholesome. I look forward to seeing the future games these devs put out.

A decent story. A few twists and turns that I didn't see coming. The animation and artwork is beautiful. Really glad they remade this game and localized it.

Not my favorite game in the franchise, but a solid entry. It does a lot to try and consolidate the series' scattered lore. This HD remaster does a lot to alleviate the complaints I had about the original (mostly related to the motion based controls).

This game has a lot of plot holes, but it's still a largely enjoyable ride from start to finish.

This game has one of the most mature and well written stories in the franchise. That said, there are a lot of systems and mechanics that make this game hard to recommend. It plays like a single player MMO, almost as if Square was trying to recreate the feeling of its online predecessor, Final Fantasy XI, in a single player game.