I just played this because my bf told me to
that's what I get for trusting men,,,

really nice story and world-building, ending felt a bit rushed maybe? would love to see some aftermath of the thing


cool cute game, liked the puzzle aspects a lot

fun, cute, way too difficult but short

I was looking for a game similar to Resident Evil and a friend recommended me this. Damn it was a good game, enjoyed it a lot. Lots of puzzles, scary moments, fighting and cool ambiance.

hated every second of this game

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i liked it a bit more than the base game honestly, the scary factor was a great addition to a game that already felt empty and dark and in which you were constantly worried about something happening. I gotta say I was rather disappointed with the ending turning everything into a simulation, feels like it took away all the scientific/physics that the main game had. Still enjoyed it, tho


fun cute game, some puzzles were too difficult or maybe I am just stupid

lovely addition to the game but i felt the tasks were relatively simple

repetitive and annoying how controlling it can be when it comes to the placement of items, also the credit song ,,,, didn't like it at all