12 Reviews liked by skapunkpee

sometimes sounds from this game will randomly pop into my head (specifically from the cake and matching minigames but occasionally the boutique thing). will forever be obsessed with how bad the cover title screen is. fever dream incarnate

Only the truest gamers will of played this game, (shoutout to my nan's pc for having this)

I do not regret paying a dollar for this

Old match-3 puzzle game with adorable fluffy creatures and funky soundtrack! The gameplay gets a little repetitive if you want to collect all the trophies, but the different modes are fun! Soundtrack I had to mute around the half way point because I was done with it lol. Still worth getting!

Sex is great and all, but have you played Chuzzle?

locksmith my ass someone tell shadow to make me a Chai Latte

this was my shit when I was 10 years old

I gave this a 2.5 because it manages to be one of the best and worst games ever

Very good, like with Trace, this game has very good art and sound design. They nail the clay/crafted aesthetic and this game reminds me a lot of ISpy books. But I feel like this one has much more obtuse puzzles than Trace does. I found myself needing to resort to hints/walkthroughs much sooner here than with Trace. Granted, it could be a skill issue on my part, but the game actually has a built in hint system which Trace doesn't have, which leads me to believe the developers knew this one was harder.

Either way, still very good, lots of character and charm here.

I am haunting Nintendo's walls until they make a sequel for this game.