Log Status






Time Played

5h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 22, 2022

First played

December 17, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Quite liked the "opening" but not the opening. It dragged a bit, I didn't really care for any character until I played more. It got a lot more interesting and intriguing as it developed and I ended up liking characters I hated for being impulsive assholes (Taylor lashing out at random.)

The twist was actually quite good and I enjoyed the last 2 hours to a mild extent. I felt it was a lot more immersive and better written than Man of Medan that already had a boring setting... in terms of atmopshere/setting, Little Hope triumphs over it without even having to make much of an effort.

But, still, this series suffers from the same lackluster gameplay. Push buttons, make choices and press forward on your analogue stick. You could make a comparison to Telltale's The Walking Dead, but I think TWD nailed it in it's own right and is a lot more fluid.

The scares aren't much to be desired, after a certain point I just had a blank reaction to them all... they're all the same, no variety at all, which Man of Medan might actually have the upper hand with (despite being all fakeouts) by utilising scares in different ways. Little Hope is just... character walks up to character, grabs arm, screams, rinse and repeat for 5 hours.

Overall, it's pretty decent. Not great, not terrible, just worth playing I guess.