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1 day

Last played

December 4, 2023

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I get that the release of this game was a huge paradigm shift for the world of gaming, a watershed moment that changed the medium forever.

As someone who has never played this game, and didn't have a N64 to experience this momentous release at the time, ocarina of time left me somewhat underwhelmed.

It is all sorts of janky, combat is abysmal and puzzles range from uninventive to nonsensical. Exploration also left me with a sour taste in my mouth, as the overworld consists mostly of a barren open field with next to no interesting landmarks to it. Everything this game did, A Link to the Past did better, IMHO.

With one exception: the sense of scale and adventure. I would be lying if I said that the whole experience didn't feel like a compelling coming-of-age story, with huge and epic stakes (and impeccable music).

It's still a good game, and I would probably be revering it as one of the best of all time, had I played it at release. Alas, I didn't, so I don't have such high praise.