i'm sad it's over, it was a ton of fun and i loved the humour

the gameplay was very janky and broken but i did my best to ignore it because the characters were genuinely likeable and funny and idk it was just very good

it's definitely an improvement from printemps, but that being said it's far from perfect.

chidori was a very interesting character and i loved her dynamic with erika a lot. along with the addition of chidori, ete had a bigger focus on ballet which i really liked too.

however, the endings felt really abrupt and rushed and very unsatisfying. the flow of the story kinda seemed to go out of the window towards the end and it felt like stuff just happened because they needed to find a way to end the game. i am pretty disappointed, i've read all possible endings now and i can confidently say that from best to worst it's the true ending - dahlia's ending - love ending.

idk how to really feel, there's a lot that left me disappointed but i am still glad that i played it. it's definitely better than printemps but even so, at least printemps had an interesting canon ending and a more believable one at that.

i need to stop downloading games that are made for children because i just find them boring most of the time, this is well made and cute but i kinda don't see myself playing it again

i have finally got all the achievements on steam and it feels like i have graced the pearly gates of heaven i am so happy this game is absolutely lovely

i've been playing it again lately and i'm gonna be honest unfortunately it kinda sucks and i remembered it being way better

it's fine but if you have access to the project diva games there's not much point in playing this at all

even if you wanted to play it because gumi is in it she has 3 songs, just play megpoid the music

the extra features are okay and i do like the module customisation options here better than in project diva

(i've only played mayuri's route and i don't have much intention of playing rikka's route so this review is ONLY for mayuri's route).

i don't read many vns but i was drawn to this series when browsing jast usa's games on steam and it stuck out like a sore thumb. i decided to give it a go after reading sayonara o oshiete as i felt it would be a nice palette cleanser and it had ballet and very pretty illustrations so i was pretty interested in giving it a go despite the fact that i don't tend to enjoy slice of life stories.

after finishing, i can confidently say it's not what i expected at all. i thought it would just be an overly cutesy story with no real conflict, but i couldn't be more wrong.

i think because i related to mayuri, suoh, and erika a lot the depictions of internal struggles and internalised homophobia really resonated with me and touched me. it had a very respectful and delicate way of presenting mental illness while also not stepping on eggshells. i found that the religious aspects of the story (with the girls being enrolled at a catholic school despite being agnostic or atheist) were very well done. it never felt forced or unnatural and i fully expected there to be moments where they'd opt for the "christianity = homophobia" stereotype but it was never black and white and i think they definitely handled it very well.

in short: (for the most part) the characters are all very vivid with very likeable personalities and relatable struggles, the illustrations are absolutely stunning, the writing is elegant and very beautiful despite a few spelling errors (which i assume is just an issue with the english translation having bugs with words that include "...nj" in them). the music is pretty, but i found myself muting it fairly early on because it got fairly repetitive and i felt a lot of the song choices didn't really match the mood of a lot of the scenes.

the reason i can only give this 4.5/5 is because there are a few minor issues as mentioned before and i personally REALLY could not stand rikka's character at all which did become a problem since she is one of the main characters and a temporary protagonist during one of the later chapters.

i am very excited to play the rest of the games and overall i'm happy i found this series

it's cute, definitely very frustrating and i've never finished it myself before

i tend to avoid ryona games for obvious reasons but i knew about demonophobia since i was a kid, it's pretty gross to think that people get some sort of sexual satisfaction from games like this but oh well 😭😭

the story is really interesting and definitely the most disturbing part of it

it's so much fun i suck at tetris but i bloody love puyo puyo and the game modes are so good

i do really hope that if we ever get another entry in the pd series they have another shot at making a game like x, because f2nd is so beautiful and the pv's having fun success animations needs to come back

x was such a disappointment and mm+ is amazing but i know there's still room for improvement, sega pleaseeee go back and look at how amazing f2nd was and make another pd game i beg of you

yeah idk about this one, the game is a mess

it's so funny to me how they used the shitty nt voicebanks in this game yet refuse to use miku's nt design because they must surely know it's ugly af. and they're still using luka's v2 design because her v4x one was a mess

it's just a shitty love live clone with really bad ways of distracting you and convincing you to pay real money. in all fairness it is a free to play game but idk it's just poop from a butt

and all those 3d mvs suck and the new characters are not interesting at all. i can however praise the costume designs for being very fun and well designed. i do especially love more more jump's design philosophy for sticking to very cutesy designs that really remind me of alice in wonderland. HOWEVER. that is not enough to redeem the game unfortunately cos it's poo, but also shizuku's singing voice is very beautiful and it pisses me off that yoisaki (the irrelevant biatch) is the one getting all the merch and marketing from sega when shizuku is right there and she's literally just yoisaki but better in every way possible


ok i think the ending made up for it, this was beautiful and very very interesting and it has so much depth for it i'm really glad i played it and i really wanna play it again

it's definitely very interesting, but the voice acting is a little off putting and i wasn't expecting the game to have any humour in it and i personally found that the humour just didn't land for me at all

the princess herself is a very interesting character though and i think the premise is very very interesting and i am excited to see where it goes once i've played it a little more, but so far i feel a little conflicted