Team Reptile has developed their own take on Sega's Jet Set Radio franchise. While it does have its similarities, the game has its own unique elements and even does some things better than its counterpart. The developers have done a fantastic job of creating a game that feels like it came out of the late 1990s and early 2000s era.

+ Excellent soundtrack filled with a variety of genres that match the game's atmosphere. Music can be unlocked and changed via the player's cell phone.
+ Interesting story with twists so it becomes more than just a game about punks vs. police.
+ The controls are very responsive and fluid.
+ The game embraces its arcadey nature and keeps things fast and completely unreleastic.
+ The player gets a jet pack that allows them to get a boost in the air or even change direction mid air.
+ The game offers the ability to walk on foot which can make precise movement easier. It can even be used to string together more combos between on foot and on skates/skateboard/bike.
+ Multiple characters to unlock and play as.
+ Many hidden collectibles scattered around that make the city worth exploring.
+ The game's art style does a perfect job of replicating the aesthetic of Jet Set Radio.
+ The game doesn't have official mod support but it can be done.
+ A heat system similiar to the Grand Theft Auto series which can be cleared by changing your characters skin.
+ Each section of the city is well designed and fun to navigate through.
+ Unlockable graffiti and tag spots can even be repainted multiple times.
+ Achievements provide additional challenges to the game such as getting all graffiti tags and scoring a certain amount of points in each area.

- The game doesn't do a very good job of explaining the combo system.
- Some of the hidden characters can be very difficult to find. Their string of missions sometimes have unclear objectives and the chracters will also sometimes disappear until you go into a specific section of the city.
- There are some doors and objects in the world that the game doesn't tell the player that they can interact with.
- The combat is a bit too easy and mindless. Police are just annoying and not threatening enemies.
- No online scoreboard which makes getting high scores in certain areas feel meaningless.
- Not enough variety in tricks that can be performed.
- There's no clear collectible tracker system in the game. This can make it very difficult to know what collectibles the player may be missing.
- Physics can sometimes be a bit inconsistent causing the player to miss jumps, landing on platforms, or hitting specific rails.
- The price point of the game is a bit too much for the length. While there is some side content, the main game isn't very long.
- No new game+ to use unlocked characters and other collectibles through the story again.

A game designed to match the gameplay and nostalgic aesthetics of the Nintendo 64 era. The gameplay is great and challenging but has some minor flaws. The game almost feels like a pilot episode of a TV series and leaves a desire for wanting a full length game. A good bite sized game for those looking for a cheap game that doesn't take too much time to complete.

+ Price of the game is worth the length of the main game plus side content.
+ Nails the N64 graphics aesthetic.
+ Resolution options include filtering options such as scanlines and soft.
+ The controls feel great and play just like an N64 platformer/collectathon would.
+ Collectibles being used as experience to level up is unique.
+ Challenging side content that is not required to beat the game.
+ Secrets are hidden well and make exploring fun. There's even one that punishes the player for attempting to sequence break.
+ The final stage is a very fun and challenging test of 3D platforming skills.
+ Plenty of fairly placed checkpoints to make the game not feel tedious.

- Music gets repetitive and isn't all that memorable.
- Anytime the game is launched the player must start at the beginning of the hub world. This can be frustrating at times when wanting to take a break.
- Only one actual world to explore outside of the tutorial stage. I would have preferred multiple smaller worlds to explore.
- Only one boss fight in the game.
- The game just ends without any sort of climax or final battle.
- It can be difficult to judge jumps at times due to perseption or odd camera angles.
- No keyboard and mouse support for those without controllers.