Finally beat this on Titan after dropping the game right before the final boss on Normal back around the original release lol.

Glad I just said "fuck it" and decided to do it on hard because really aside from a few spikes, it felt like The Way to play and like you'd have to probably pull more tools out of your arsenal rather than just spamming triangle and square with the Exile blades for 95% of the game but it is a shame that 2 of the weapons are basically copies of the Blades of Exile but imo the magic of the Hades Claws makes them worth it.

Anyways, it's sometimes tough to figure out where exactly I sit on this game because I love the epically scaled violent greek mythology drama but it isn't without it's bumps in the road in story and gameplay. In terms of gameplay while it's got some of the best bosses in the series, the general enemy variety is pretty samey but it's still at least really fun. Kratos' conclusion in the Greek era of his story is very nice and does honestly make me a bit Feel Something for something that's mostly known for being puddle deep brutality but it's offset by them really overusing that pretty corny "hope" Pandora line and there's some weird leaps in logic for how things work from the previous games to this like how killing Gods suddenly has physical impact on the world but at the end of the day, who cares, it makes the game even more dramatic and it's a super fun ride. In this series it's very easy to forgive wild changes from game to game because it's really not that important which makes it even better that Kratos still has a pretty nice conclusion to this part of his story. It's honestly funny to think about how people reacted to his change in demeanor and etc in GOW 2018 and saying it was totally out of character, making it clear they had actually never seen the ending of this game

Vergil fight here is probably my favorite boss fight in any game at this point, I just play that & bloody palace endlessly and it's still insanely fun. Only DMC I've beaten on DMD so far. Really can't wait to play Vergil and LDK mode in SE eventually