92 Reviews liked by slushpuppy

An isometric car racing game with weapons!

I've replayed it many times, all the maps, cars, and modes! The career mode was the one I played the most.

probably one of the only games where the platforming aspect is harder than the boss fights

I didn't need the exercise, it was just plain fun! I loved biking around the island the most; I'd register my cat on the board, so she can run around with me as I go explore wildly off course.

Fun selection of mini games, some are more "fit" for working out than others. I especially liked that stepping in time and parade game!~ ♡

my only source of exercise as a kid

I had a surprising amount of fun with this as a kid. Probably hard to really call a game, but I thought the biking was cool since you could explore the whole island. I also remember a meditation game that was neat, though I don't know how it worked. There's no reason to get this now that the Wii is old and Ring Fit Exists, but it's an interesting part of Wii history.

I can't believe I genuinely consider this to be a fun mini-game collection.

But like, the Kung Fu one really does slap. And quite a few others.

4/5: One of the best non-fitness fitness games out there.

As someone who's only flirted with the occasional mobster flick, Mafia II really took me by surprise. Not only did I enjoy the story, enough to ignore the admittedly mediocre gameplay. But the thick, polluted atmosphere of its open world really drew me in. If anything I just wish the game gave you more to do in it.

What I really respect about this one is how much it doesn't care for the rules of open world game design. You want a big map with 500 side quests and customizable everything? Piss off, we have an important story to tell and you're following it, so drive this F****ng car right now.

This happened to my uncle when he lost his house due to betting on horse races

the godfather if the godfather didnt have a godfather in it and was just a mafia movie about two buds who love each other and kiss

This is still one of my favourite single player games with a great atmosphere that fit the time period really well.

"All due respect, you got no f***in' idea what it's like to be Number One."

Maybe not the perfect game by industry standards but it holds a place in my heart no other game has been able to take.
Mafia II is an excellent and interesting take on the ''mob lifestyle'' between the period of the 1940s and 1950s.
The more 'down to earth' tone of the game makes me fall in love with the narrative. It feels like what is happening CAN happen in real life (Obviously making an exception to the over-the-top action moments included for gameplay reasons) and it manages to create a gripping storyline throughout all the chapters.

For its' time, it was also quite surprising how much freedom you would get in, what feels like, a makeshift open world. Even though the game is not built around exploring the city, when you do get the chance to do so, it feels immersive and beautiful. Stores have weather appropriate clothes, the cars and their colors seem to change and adapt to the time period, the radio stations are precisely crafted.

Mafia II is an excellent experience in a niche gaming genre. To me, it will (probably) always be my favorite game of all time.

Chalk it up to this being another example of a game that is just so much a part of who I am that it would be fraudulent to not rate it this highly. This is undeniably one of my favorite games of all time. I still have such a blast revisiting it today to experience its incredibly immersive and captivating narrative, with a wonderfully written cast of memorable characters, raw, acerbic dialogue, a beautiful yet grounded world that’s rich in both atmosphere and vibrant attention to detail, complimented by timeless gameplay mechanics and the eclectic, awesome soundtrack. It’s more than evident that the devs at 2k czech (even through the game’s rather notorious fraught development cycle) poured genuine passion into this game and it effortlessly coalesces into a gripping final product that holds up brilliantly even 13 years later. I love the hell out of Mafia 2 and I seriously doubt that my fervent enthusiasm for it is going to waver anytime soon. What a flawed but immensely special gem this game is.