arms race is good enuf junk food to kill 5 minutes

jankfest of 3 horror games in one

jankfest with samey encounters of 2-3 enemies who can't climb walls

can't keep up with the stylish stuff until the end and eventually turns into something to play slowly, borderline trial and error

either this or warfork or diabotical are fine if you are desperate for quake

the best thing about this is nothing is fully fleshed out, for example you are not starting the game with some hud indicator telling you how invisible you are like in most stealth games, which leads players to make mistakes and come up with some plan on the fly. Taking cover behind some box will remove visual information in front of Denton so that players end up relying on unreliable stuff like sounds, only to get out of cover and meet some guard who was standing still in silence all along. It's fun

og homeworld is okay enough but this one fucking sucks

nanosuit powers are fun but the map gives you too many options you'll ignore for sniping and the shooting feels a bit shit since headshots dont always register, the stealth approach is no more at one point. Idk

team based but still a perfect environment for 1vs1

one of the hardest action games out there