189 reviews liked by smhomg

if you’re good you’ll like the game

+ Pleasing visual style
+ Feels like the game is testing the breaking point of enemy density. You push the crowds or else you will die first.
+ Felt unfair at first because the movement felt too stiff to deal with the enemies on the screen, but still there are many tools that can be used for making your own space (like izuna drop, LLL-dash loop, get-off-me-tool that uses resources, grenades), and the dash i frame is surprisingly lenient.
+ Healing system also encourages you to be more aggressive and the meter management also plays into this process.
+ Bosses are (as long as they are functioning as 1v1 humanoids) pretty alright.
-A lot of encounters blend in too much because barely any environment plays into the combat arenas.
-Maybe way too long considering the enemy variety itself and the monotonous gameplay flow shifts. I would remove some levels in the middle.
-3D background and camera panning can make misaligned hit boxes which can make some how-did-that-hit-me situations
-Final boss sucks ass
+- Tutorial dump at the beginning can be overwhelming, but hey, if I could comprehend it, maybe you also can.
+- I think S ranking is in the unreasonable territory. It requires a no-hit run in regular encounters and bosses.. and honestly that’s…reserved for only the top 0.1% of the player base? It’s definitely not for me lol

This is probably the best boomer shooter i have every played. From start to end, the mechanics and the gameplay, enemies and landscape are never boring. Its just dipped in atmosphere.

Game's aren't built to last like this anymore. I played on LAN for the first time with 3 friends and had the time of my life. You'll never get that experience with Apex or Fortnite.

Turbo Overkill: Really committing to its title and letting you put the pedal to the metal as Johnny Turbo is quite the speedy killing machine. “Johnny will return...”, but should he? I've seen worse and I've seen better, so I'd say "No" if it's just more of the same.
I've more cons than pros with Turbo Overkill, and while the pros are pretty strong, I just don't think they're quite enough.

This game doesn't run very well which I don't understand. As I type this, it's stuck loading the main menu from the credits since I've just beaten it. I had long loading screens on an SSD (why is dying four times faster than reloading a checkpoint?), bullets freezing in midair, enemies dying but their bodies remain upright and running, FPS drops with seemingly no source, some cutscenes seem to be missing audio cues (which is either a glitch or bad design), terrible checkpoints, and I'd frequently slide into corners/under objects where I'd get stuck. Doesn't feel very “turbo” to get wedged under a rock. I just Alt-F4'd the game to get out of that aforementioned freeze.
The visuals kinda gave me a headache given time. I was reminded of the System Shock remake, only I think I grew accustomed to the blaring lights there and just never quite did here. Maybe this is boomer-brain creeping in as I age, but it was a bit much. When you pick up the DOOM-like upgrades of power fists and what-have-you, it puts a color filter on the screen that made it even harder to see and stand.
Environmental dangers insta-kill you at times which obviously grinds the pacing to a halt for those rooms. Again, not very turbo.
The entire thing is reminiscent of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon but lacks its charm. I don't mind aping off of something else as long as you separate yourself somehow or at least do a damn good job. I don't think they did either of those, here. I don't think it was ever “cringy” but even calling it “serviceable” may be a stretch.
I found myself almost dying instantly, losing all armor and nearly all health, from mid-to-low tier enemies when they used certain attacks like explosives or fire. This was wildly frustrating and didn't make sense to me. I found some of the earlier enemies harder than later ones because of this potential. I played on Street Cleaner (Hard) and there are two difficulties above that, I cannot even imagine how annoying those are.

But the pros I mentioned: Gotta go fast. Johnny Turbo and his chainsaw leg (called a “chegg”, what a gross word) go fast. Some upgrades are just a waste of time and some are obvious necessities, like the one that turns all enemies into health packs if you cut right through the crowds with your chegg. With the right upgrades and the grapple hook, you can basically fly, which felt great.
The weapon upgrades are all pretty good and turn previously useless weapons into powerhouses, like the pistol getting an upgrade to do tons of damage as long as you build up a streak and don't miss. Everything was already pretty tense, but now you feel like every shot needs to count, which can be thrilling.
Some levels have very good arenas and accompanying soundtracks, such as “The Wastes”. I made note of that level because it really nailed both of those, though it did have a lotta green going on and again, potential headaches. Not every level will hit the highs of this one, either, some just suck.
The vehicle segments are all pretty good. Fortunately there are only a few, but I think they were handled well.
You can “cancel” animations and reloads by switching weapons, which Dusk didn't have and drove me insane. Here, it keeps things fluid and fast with the player having the option to do more and get more out of it.

I think Turbo Overkill has shown me that these games need to be short and sweet. Both this and Dusk were too long.

Despite liking some things here, I think I don't really recommend Turbo Overkill. I got it on sale but this was one I could have just missed, easily. It was fun becoming a living chainsaw with guns, but I had to put up with a lot of problems to get there. If you love boomer shooters, you'll enjoy this, but for me? The price of admission felt too high.

Fantastic fun game with lovely characters and animation that makes me wish we got a big real game entry. In a time where everyone is trying to get quick money out of gacha and live service games, BA manages to thrive by being made by a team that's actually passionate about what they're making.

I do wish the higher difficulty content wasn't so absurdly hard, and that farming some materials to make your characters go from "crazy strong" to "walking nukes" was a little easier, but it honestly doesn't bother me because all of it is optional. I don't NEED to do any of that content, and I can focus on the few characters I really really love instead.

It runs like ass on my phone though. A PC client would be much appreciated but I don't know if they even have interest in that.

While some nerds playing other things i've been building my fps games career with this game.

Honestly brilliant. Brought this game for funny mecha and romance action and I got one hell of an amazing story, with incredibly likeable characters (and biggest asshole in the history).

I was hooked from the start and I just couldn't stop. 70 hours later and finally done. It was 100% worth my time, I do not regret a moment.

Allora, Rabi-Ribi è oggettivamente fatto parecchio bene lato gameplay. Il level design a mio avviso non è praticamente mai particolarmente buono, rimane sotto la varietà e qualità generale di quello in Blasphemous II, ma rimane funzionale alla libertà dell'esplorazione

Vado a specificare che l'esplorazione in sé non m'è piaciuta poi tanto fatta eccezione per un paio di stage. Come dicevo, lato gameplay Rabi-Ribi è ben fatto ma a causa del level design stesso la maggior parte delle volte l'utilizzo delle proprie abilità per attraversare una sezione è quasi ininfluente - mi sono trovato a usarli quasi solo lì dove sono obbligatori. Infatti, teoricamente il gioco si potrebbe praticamente completare senza aver ottenuto nulla (forse eccetto le scarpe che permettono di saltare più in alto, ma dovrei controllare).
Poi, non ho mai percepito alcuna distintività: trovarsi nell'area vulcanica è più o meno la stessa cosa che trovarsi nella foresta o nelle grotte ghiacciate. Belli invece i background, in genere. Forse un'eccezione a tutto questo è il livello ambientato nel cyberspazio

Lo stesso discorso lo applico alle creature nemiche: anche laddove c'erano delle creature luogo-specifiche, erano sempre di una bruttezza e, per il moveset, di una banalità disarmanti.
Mi fanno cagare anche i NPC, per character design e scrittura

La scrittura, per me, è atroce e disprezzo anche la storia in sé: non posso neanche scendere nei dettagli perché molte cose le ho direttamente skippate. Poi magari a causa di questo atteggiamento mi sarò anche perso certe istruzioni, perché ho capito come fare per consumare oggetti di cura solo a 5 ore dall'inizio.

Le cose buone da dire sono comunque molte. C'è un sistema di progressione più vicino a certi giochi di ruolo, per cui l'utilizzo costante delle proprie armi ne comporta il miglioramento e level up: questo ha come esito un aumento del danno, della velocità, l'acquisizione di una combo a seconda del livello raggiunto. In giro per la mappa è possibile trovare tutta una serie di oggetti che, come in ogni metroidvania che si rispetti, permettono di semplificare l'esplorazione e di accedere a nuove aree: che si tratti del doppio salto, di un aumento dell'altezza raggiungibile con lo stesso, della scivolata, etc.
Per i completisti poi questo gioco sarà una manna dal cielo. Io non ho nessuna intenzione di collezionare manco la metà degli achievement ottenibili (o meglio, a me degli achievement non frega in nessuna maniera), ma credo che per farlo durante la prima partita bisognerebbe investirci almeno una trentina di ore

Particolare nota di merito per quanto mi riguarda va proprio alle boss-fight: diversissime, numerosissime e molte di queste difficili in culo, con moveset che ci si aspetterebbe da un bullet-hell. Nonostante la difficoltà, c'è sempre la possibilità di rinascere esattamente fuori l'arena di combattimento (che non è mai nulla di particolare, tutta l'attenzione è stata data esclusivamente al moveset dei vari boss). Inoltre, dopo alcune sconfitte, il gioco stesso chiede se si vuole abbassare la difficoltà. Apprezzabile.
Non intendo fare una seconda partita e non ho letto cose a riguardo, ma credo che, data la libertà di approccio all'esplorazione che si raggiunge da un certo punto, sia anche possibile affrontare molti boss seguendo le proprie preferenze in termini di priorità

Per il resto non ho molto da dire. La grafica, animazione, audo design e ost mi sono tra l'indifferente e il disprezzo. Un'altra nota positiva è la hurtbox, molto piccola come accade in molti shoot 'em up e molto precisa: lo sprite del personaggio è ingannevolmente molto più grande della hurtbox vista l'elevata quantità di sezioni bullet hell, e per ovviare a questo problema la hitbox delle creature generiche è più grossa dei loro sprite così da avere l'illusione di una effettiva collisione nel caso ci si dovesse finire addosso