a super fun game but not very replayable for me sadly

awesome game but it can get kinda boring kinda fast

i like fucking around killing random people and police maybe i should play th actual game one day

mk8dx may b th best mariokart game but this is my favorite . growing up playing this game n the amount of amazing tracks it has makes it hard 2 make a mk game id like more .

now that th dlc is out , how are they going to follow this up on th next console ? they upd th ante so much that rly th only way to go from here is 2 bring back EVERY course n anything less thn that will b kindof underwhelming compared 2 th nearly 100 tracks this game has now . ... oh i almost forgot 2 mention that this is th best mariokart game n its not rly close

best thing abt this game is th movement (which admittedly is some of th best in all of gaming) , but besides that th game gets pretty repetitive . 999 moons is way too fucking much and even nintendo knew that making so many of thm fucking toadette bullshit .

good but i wish they didnt make 4 othr games exactly like this one n none of thm r as good .

its just more galaxy but without what made galaxy so different from other mario games (aside from th gameplay ) . almost no story and th homeworld is so much less fun to explore with less to do . still great bc at its core galaxy 1 is a super well designed fun game n so is this one .

very good but sadly needs mods nd dlc to reach its full potential

a great game that gets almost completely overshadowed by its sequel nowadays

not much i can say that i didnt say about th sequels . th sequels just took this already great game n improved upon it massively .

used 2 b a 10 but theres some bosses that just plain suck so 9 it is i suppose

like every good pokemon game pre-gen 5 , it would be so much better with modern quality of life changes , but that will probably never happen sadly .

pretty much better than the original in every way