Persona 3 is a great game, no matter the form, so I'll still give it a 4/5.

But as a remake I was pretty massively disappointed by this. It didn't do enough to improve on the flaws of the original (pacing, poorly written social links, time management elements being unbalanced, worst main antagonists in the franchise). It also felt less polished than P5R--weird lighting in certain areas, very empty backgrounds, missing several QoL things, etc. The cutscenes also lacked the direction of the OG and they made some very strange decisions as to when to use in-game cutscenes vs animated ones.

I did appreciate the new linked episodes, but that's really the only interesting thing this version brings to the table. Ultimately this is mostly just the original game with a shiny coat of paint.

By the end of it, I was not convinced that this was a necessary remake, especially since it fails at even being a definitive version with the lack of FeMC content.

This game imposes limitations---stamina, batteries, constantly emptying your inventory---in an attempt to enhance the tension like it's a survival horror, while simultaneously dumping hordes of enemies on you like it's an action horror. It's inability to pick a lane makes the gameplay genuinely miserable at times.

The manuscript pages and Alan writing the story into reality is a cool narrative device that wasn't used to it's full potential.

My scalding hot take is that I had more fun with FES The Answer than Reload. Oops.

Don't get me wrong--it is a bit too grindy and the story is spread far too thin throughout. But after years of being told about how awful the Answer is, imagine my surprise when I finally played it and was met with engaging/challenging combat, and a story that actually handles grief with more poignancy than the main story at times.


As someone who prefers slow-paced gameplay and is completely new to this genre, I figured I would appreciate this game for what it was but it ultimately wouldn't be for me.

40 hours later....I can barely convince myself to put it down. JUST ONE MORE RUN.