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easily the most skippable game in the series with the worst execution storywise

it is a good story, but it just feels so oddly paced and doesn't really hit that spot that the other games try to hit with their big moments

a lot of this game is redundant if you just know that Daigo doesn't die

the only things you miss out on are the people of okinawa (morning glory, ryudo family) and revelations which are the best parts of the game

if you've never played a yakuza game before, this game is amazing, because it's a yakuza game (but nobody would actually start anything at the 3rd installment)

if you've played literally any other game in the series, it's pretty much just that + okinawa.

so fucking cool oh my god god wow its so cool man its crazy cool man aw man its crazy cool just so cool i love it so much so cool love this so much only 5 minutes in too cool man fuck man too good man


story stays pretty consistently great overall, aside from how rushed kaoru and kiryu's relationship seemed and the cringeworthy moments that came from that like the bar scene or the ending.

combat feels a bit fucky starting out, so as w/ kiwami, upgrades are a big help in enjoying fighting in the early game at all. it picks up as soon as you can upgrade quicksteps and basic combat moves, though.

substory writing is s tier at points, especially when compared to 80% of kiwami 1's mugging and scam substories.

graphics are amazing but npcs can be a bit buggy when entering / skipping dialogue

as a remake, 4.5 stars, but that ending and the romance side of the game is the wrong kind of goofy that i want in a yakuza game.

one of the brightest games i've ever played
control could've been better but an amazing and classic game regardless

Good game, but much shorter than expected. would give it more of a 3.75 if I could, very hotline miami esque, especially the soundtrack.