insane game. the best open world i've ever seen. exploration up the wazoo, charismatic and memorable characters, overdrive is so much fun!! skells are so cool!! i just wish they'd explained it a bit more in the game guide but it's ok the game is so good i didn't even notice at first.

there's just something about this planet...

This game has one of the best atmospheres I've ever played in. This Tibetan temple hides a dark, if not sad, story - it's not necessary for you to discover it, but if you do, the ending takes on a whole new meaning. It's quite short, but for being free it certainly clears the bar with ease. An enjoyable platformer!

God, what a game. The feeling you get when successfully put the puzzle pieces together is unrivaled. While some specifics are extremely hard to get if you're not used to passing through everything with the finest tooth-comb you've ever had to use (seriously? stripes in the pants??), most details do feel natural, like the tattoo on [Redacted]'s forearm or the ledgers [Redacted] carries at a certain point.

The story itself is interesting, given the non-linearity in which we learn it, and the fact some things are left unexplained is certainly interesting.

All in all, a great experience. Truly amazing!

Possibly my favorite game to have ever played. Insane story, insane controls, insane mechanics, both the 2D and 3D parts are enjoyable in their own right, desertNPC, loveable and hateable characters...... Just possibly the greatest gaming experience I have ever had.