Still play it to this day. Hoenn is just an amazing region, and sadly this game does have some shortcomings (battery life, contests, secret bases, etc.). Thankfully they got solved in the remakes, and the original games can remain as good as they ever were! I did not enjoy the feebas hunting but I did get a shiny Carvanha while doing it so bonus points for that.

Everyone say thank you Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire for introducing abilities to the games.

Sinnoh is a good region, and thankfully Platinum makes sure we know it. This game solves quite a few problems Diamond and Pearl endured, like the horrible Pokémon distribution or the overall slowness. The story is also improved, and in general it just feels so much better to play. There are still some of the general Sinnoh nuisances to deal with, like the fog weather, the honey trees or the slow leveling up, but it's quite more playable than its predecessors. Recommended if you can get your hands on a real cartridge (doubtful) or an emulator (actually viable).

The best Zelda experience I've ever had. Expansive world, interesting characters, amazing storyline, YOU CAN BECOME A WOLF!! Even now I still feel that childlike wonder every time i boot it up.

Look I'm not going to pretend I related to any of these characters except for maybe Angus. However this is still an amazing game, with so much to find out and discover, with many slice-of-life moments that elevated the main story and made it almost immaculate.

Being a teenager becoming a young adult is one of the most confusing parts fo life, and Mae exemplifies it perfectly. Many other characters are mirrors held up to either her or you, the player, and I think that's so hard to do properly but so well done in here it's incredible.

Not much else to say, just go play it if you have the chance!

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The better version of Pokémon Sun&Moon... and probably what they should have been from the start.

USUM add many needed improvements to the base SM games, including but not limited to:

- A wider pool of Pokémon (Up to 400!) and a better encounter distribution.

- A different collectable hunt that feels rewarding (Totem Stickers)

- An enjoyable minigame that doubles as an easier way to obtain BP (Mantine Surf)

- Speaking of BP, new move tutors and the possibility to buy all Mega Stones in the Battle Tree

- The Alola Photo Club, where you can take cute pictures with your Pokémon and decorate them!

- Different trainer teams and different Trials (for example, the Grass trial or the Electric trial).

- A whole new host of side quests and cutscenes to make this game truly feel like an RPG. I did not realize how badly this region needed these; it now feels more full and lived in!

- A better endgame gameplay loop in Ultra Ride, which brings a lot of Legendaries, Ultra Beasts and non-Alola Pokémon with it. You can even shiny hunt in there!

- Story changes. Some of them were okay-ish, like the Ultra Recon Squad, some of them were downright awful, like Lusamine and Lillie's whole storyline, but changes nonetheless.

- An increase in difficulty. Apart from the infamous Ultra Necrozma fight (which I had to cheese with a level 6 Zorua), the game in general increases the levels of enemies and improves their movesets. Also, Molayne takes Kaudan's place in the Elite 4. Nice.

- Necrozma: no longer a strange one-off, the cover legendary now appears not only at the climax of the story but also during you ascent through an improved Mount Lanakila. It has a catch rate of 255, which means you can catch it with quite possibly any ball!

- UI redesign. Much nicer than whatever SM's UI had going on.

- Rainbow Rocket: The postgame includes this amazing callback to previous games, and the teams all change depending on the version you're playing! A nice, old-fashioned nostalgia trip à la PWT in the form of a gauntlet of battles.

There's so much about this game that's an improvement over the original it's insane. My only gripe, apart from the Lusamine storyline, is the fact that this should have been Sun and Moon from the very beginning instead of whatever undercooked game they gave us. These deserved to be the introduction to Alola, even if with the original storyline, and maybe a third version would've gone better if they had made this the base game. Given some of Alola's most commonly-criticized problems have not yet been solved in this version (long cutscenes, hand-holding, etc.), it really is the true gen 7 experience.

All in all, the only Alola experience I recommend because of how simply good it is, even with its few flaws.

This game is actually really good when you don't have a bitch in your ear telling you it sucks.

Seriously though, this masterpiece in storytelling is one of the best games I have ever played. It is possibly my second favorite numbered Xenoblade game (over 1 and under 3), and that says a lot. Honestly I don't have the energy to write a full review defending this game, just be aware that it really is not the absolutely horrible shit people will say it is. Many reasons to love this game, and playing it to the end at least once will make you understand why.

I usually play this game with friends, and it's so fun! The amount of available stages, the expansive roster and the variety of rules make for a very entertaining friendly competition game.

Playing alone does not have the same charm, though, and I do get tired quickly if there's nobody with me. Otherwise, a truly great party or get-together game! I know nothing about the competitive side and I am happier this way.

A very calm, enjoyable game! The flying controls might be a bit tricky to get a hold of, but once you do it's all smooth sailing! There's an interesting story with even more background lore you can figure out by exploring, the graphics are stylized and so pleasing to look at, and the different temples with the puzzles are fun to figure out while not being overly difficult or frustrating!
A quite enjoyable experience, overall. Definitely recommended!

Look, I stand by my entire review for the original Diamond. This game literally copy-pastes the code for that game and, while solving some issues like the speed or the Pokémon distribution... kinda, it still has many of the problems the originals had.
The only changes (Ramanas Park, Underground, Fairy type, Contests) are not nearly enough to make this a worthy remake.

Overall, the only reason to play this game is if you have not played the original Diamond and Pearl, want to try out Sinnoh and you cannot get your hands on Platinum. Which is very fair. Playing this game is better than playing Diamond and Pearl, but as remakes, it pales in comparison to literally every single other Pokémon remake (FRLG, HGSS, ORAS). A desperate cash grab that did not work nearly as intended and made everyone mad.

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Not nearly as bad as people say.

If you cannot play the original Majora (or, dare I say, even if you can), this is definitely the way to experience Termina. The amount of Quality of Life changes this remake brings to the table is not to be understated.

Apart from the apparent graphical update, which brings these areas to life in a way you would not have expected, this game is way more accessible than the original N64 one.

Personally, I couldn't care less to the changes made to the Deku or the Zora. Ddid they feel weird at the start? Yeah, but they became manageable. Certainly not as "game-ruining" as I've seen some people say.

Apart from all the virtues I could say about this game, most of which also apply to the original game itself, this is one of my favorite Zelda games I've ever played. Absolutely recommended.


An enjoyable game with cool graphics and cool, vague lore! I wish it was longer and it had a bit more stuff to do, but overall it's a great experience.

Absolute masterpiece of a game. Just amazing. The languages are so intricate and well thought-out I could see the different ways the words were formed and could form words of my own sometimes. An innate sense of wonder about the world that surrounds you and the relationships between all the "tribes" that live in the tower, all complex and speaking of many years of relations and societal developments... As a linguist and translator, my heart sings when playing this game.

A great game with great puzzles and court sections, this crossover is truly full of surprises! The twists and turns the story takes, coupled with the compelling characters and amazing artwork, make for an amazing experience. It does lean more towards the Layton side of the spectrum, btu it's still fairly balanced.

My only complaint would be how some court sections can drag on a bit thanks to unlikable witnesses (e.g. Emeer), but other than that it's great!

god what a game. the mechanics are easy to understand and lend themselves to great puzzles, the characters are all so vibrant and fun and deep, the mysteries are a true delight to unravel... if you're reading this, go play it right now. you won't regret it!

Found this game by sheer chance back in the day, never looked back. Amazing puzzles, incredible story, great easter eggs, an iconic cast of characters... and possibly one of the best mechanics a game has ever had, now turned up to 11 with all the new additions!! Fully recommended if you liked Portal 1 or even if you haven't played Portal before.