Man I love the Rhythm Heaven series. This was such a fun game. I love all the minigames. Anyways, OH WHAT CAN I DO? WHAT CAN I DO? THE ONLY ONE FOR ME IS YOU

The single best Animal Crossing ever created. Eventually I'll return to this to extol its virtues, but it's just so insanely good... The characters feel like characters of their own, there's so much stuff to do at all times, it's just the PEAK of Animal Crossing games!!

Very characteristic art style, fun characters, extremely fun gameplay, overall a greta experience!! There are many secrets and collectables I haven't been able to get, but it still rocks! The multiplayer is also SO MUCH FUN!!

Look I'm absolute dogshit at this game. I cannot get past the second floor. I still enjoy it so much and have spent so many hours on it because it's just that FUN. Might eventually return to it. Still recommended!

It's so good! I had a very serious 2kki phase for a while, getting almost every badge and all the menus, and now I have left it behind for a while now. I still think it's an incredible game with so many places to see, so much to do, so much to explore!! One day I might return to it but I hold very dear memories of it.


Quite enjoyable!! Extremely interesting mechanics, I struggled with some puzzles but that's on me, not the game, haha. Cute story, but you kind of forget about it, given the puzzles and platforming are the main draw of this game.

Very fun game!! Really liked trying to get most of the endings! Truly a masterpiece and defined an entire genre of games. Iconic.

Very sweet. Very chill. Really enjoyed the atmosphere and the characters. Absolutely worth it.

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Loved it! A relatively short yet sweet game. I only did the pacifist route (both times, even if the first one still ended with Omega Flowey!), and I found the story and characters very compelling. I am just bad at videogames, so I struggled a bit in fights, but I didn't mind!

Building on what made Xenoblade 2 good just so this can be absolutely fantastic. Amazing combat system that doesn't feel sluggish, characters I will be thinking about until the day I die, a story so heartbreaking it had me sobbing for weeks... this is literally the ideal Xenoblade experience. Man. Man. My fucking god.

insane game. the best open world i've ever seen. exploration up the wazoo, charismatic and memorable characters, overdrive is so much fun!! skells are so cool!! i just wish they'd explained it a bit more in the game guide but it's ok the game is so good i didn't even notice at first.

there's just something about this planet...

Not a bad game, it's just Johto. The region is rife with problems this remake did very little to assuage.

However, let's check the positives first: Pokémon follow you!! Very cute! The addition of the Safari Zone would have solved the problem of some Johto pokémon not being available until postgame if it hadn't been the most confusing Safari Zone ever. The PokéAthlon is a fun minigame, and the graphical update is nothing to scoff at! The inclusion of some Crystal elements with Eusine and Suicune is a very nice touch too! The touch screen is certainly an improvement, and some mechanics regarding the Pokégear are also quite better than the original were.

However, it still suffers from many of the problems the original had, including (but not limited to): awful level scaling, disjointed story, terrible Pokémon distribution (and it doesn't add the new gen 4 additions to the gen 2 roster to the regional Pokédex except for a very specific case, which is just awkward), strange gym leader teams... All of this results in teams being picked from the same roster of 10 Pokémon, with no variety whatsoever and a strange sense of progression.

All in all, a decent game, a decent remake, but it still does not solve the awful problems that plagued Johto from the start and suffers greatly from it.

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The perfect remake of already good games. This game takes every obnoxious or insufferable thing Ruby and Sapphire had, brushed them away, and then improved on it immensely. Hoenn has never been a better place to play in!

A non-comprehensive list of amazing additions this game has compared to the originals:

- A touch screen. And what a touch screen! From the quick-access menu, to the impossibly good DexNav, to the XY section, to a fun news report, to the most comprehensive map this series has ever seen... The absolute perfect bottom screen.

- Post-Generation 3 changes are added! No FRLG evolution blocking, or HGSS-style dex cutting. Every single Pokémon that got an evolution or preevolution after Gen 3 has said evolutionary line added to the regional dex! Gallade, Probopass, Magnezone, Budew, Roserade, Chingling, Dusknoir, Rhyperior, Froslass, and even a new form in Cosplay Pikachu! Fairy type is also present, with representatives such as Mawile, Jigglypuff, Marill or Ralts!

- New Mega-Evolutions! Most of them are available right before the eighth gym, but some of them are obtainable before that!

- New Groudon and Kyogre forms!! And they're so cool!!

- The entire Delta Episode as an amazing homage to Pokémon Emerald with a surprise appearance at the end!

- Improved already present mechanics like contests or Secret Bases to the point of perfection.

- Possibly the best Fly in the series, allowing you to fly to ANY ROUTE or place you want.

- Lati@s Flight. Need I say more?

- The presence of so many species of Pokémon you can complete the entire National Pokédex just with the generation 6 games alone.

People complain about the lack of Battle Front but let's be so for real. Who played the Battle Front consistently? In my humble opinion, this game is so good people just needed to find a nitpick for it so they could complain because Arceus forbid a good Pokémon game is released.

All in all, possibly the single best Pokémon experience one could have and the gold standard for all Pokémon games before and after it, remakes included. If you have the chance, you need to play it!

One of the most underrated games in the entire Pokémon franchise. I have been defending this game since 2013 and will do so until my dying breath.

Pokémon's 6th generation is rife with controversy due to, among other things, the switch from 2D to 3D. I couldn't care less. This game is one of the most enjoyable Pokémon games there has ever been. The creature variety is the highest in any Pokémon mainline base game ever, with just over 450. The distribution of these creatures in the different areas of the game is immaculate, and it opens up an enormous amount of team variety and possibilities. The introduction of the Fairy type, the PSS (the best player interaction format the franchise has ever had, by the way), the Super Training, being able to pet your mons in Amie, mega-evolutions, the best environments this series has ever seen (Laverre City, Route 14, Route 19, Glittering Cave, Route 9, long et cetera)... it all comes together in what could have been a masterpiece of a Pokémon game.

I say "what could have been" because as much as I like this game, it does have its problems... and they lie mainly in the story. Not the best story the series has, not the worst by far (generation 2 takes the cake), but still far from brilliant. This and the somehwat bland characters, both probably a product of a rushed development, along with some generation 1 pandering and locking many mega stones behind the post-game (apart from Looker's storyline, not much to do in it honestly) are the few flaws this game has.

Do not let anyone tell you otherwise: despite its flaws, Pokémon X and Y are very much worth playing.

Possibly my favorite game to have ever played. Insane story, insane controls, insane mechanics, both the 2D and 3D parts are enjoyable in their own right, desertNPC, loveable and hateable characters...... Just possibly the greatest gaming experience I have ever had.