A charming and unexpected dungeon crawler. There's a flow state you enter by the third town where you spend your time diving into the dungeon slowing accruing power and town pieces and coming back to the town building. It's ahead of its time for a PS2 launch title.

It's a very punishing game if you do not prepare yourself accordingly. Dark Cloud rewards you for experimentation and diversifying your power between your party members. Though there's a spike in difficulty towards the later half, making grinding annoying to do, I enjoyed my play through enough.

Reviewed on May 18, 2024


25 days ago

Wait, Dark Cloud is punishing? I thought it was a semi-relaxing dungeon crawler haha.

24 days ago

@RedBackLoggd I didn't see the utility of the Auto-Repair Stones until I broke the one weapon I was building up for the last two dungeons. That and the final two dungeons whooped me for only building up Toan.

24 days ago

No sorry I was genuinely asking - I haven't played the game yet you see.

24 days ago

@RedBackLoggd oh yeah it's got weapon durability and a thirst meter. There's a lot of RNG since the dungeons are procedurally generated. For me, I didn't get a new weapon until the second dungeon, which sucked a little bit. Since the game is all about upgrading weapons to then feed into other weapons to upgrade those. One break and you can lose a couple of hours of strength. Add to that you have to do this for the other 5 party members, it can get deep.

24 days ago

Dang, well, I'm happy you had fun with it, but I think it might not be for me, as underrated as it is. Thanks for the details haha - first time I've heard a non-AO game have a thirst meter ;)