Honestly amazing game. The nostalgia I felt while playing was accompanied by constant smiles about how wholesome and calming the experience is, yet it does unfortunately have some drawbacks, mainly the repetitive nature of the skill games, the clunky controls and the walking parts in which the game forces you to slowly carry an item across the map. Yet while these aspects might deter some, once you get past them you are welcomed to one of the best and wholesome games the Pokémon Company ever released.

Katana Zero is a game that I am very happy to have picked up. It seamlessly blends fast-paced action with a gripping narrative and amazing visuals, letting me get attached and invested in certain characters and letting me build my hate for others within its short runtime of just around four hours. Having played it around two years ago for the first time, revisiting it after such a long time made my love and appreciation for Katana Zero only deeper and confirmed the happy memories that remained with me long after my first playthrough. The music, art style, atmosphere, game mechanics, and story, in addition to its short runtime, make Katana Zero an absolute must-play for anyone that was just slightly intrigued by any aspect of the game.

There's unfortunately not as much to say about The Last Door as I wanted to. Having finished it 100% with all achievements, I have to say it is a quite nice and interesting experience over 3ish hours but unfortunately falls short in many aspects. The story, while initially captivating, falls short in its need for the Lovecraftian theme which ends up being more confusing than terrifying.

This entire review can be summed up in one sentence: It’s alright. The game, while not horrible, simply does not have anything special going for it. I found myself quite bored between the awkward dialog, especially in the majority of chapters in the middle of the game (approx Chapters 2-7), which only actually started picking up at the last few chapters but I do have to say it kept making me want to come back and play it. This might be due to me loving the horror genre, being a nerd for cheesy horror movies, or both, but playing the game still ended up not feeling like some wasted time but rather like I just watched one of those average slashers that you’ll forget about in a weeks time. If you like this kind of vibe or the game seems intriguing, don’t be scared away as it does have pretty funny dialog and scenes scattered throughout that made me chuckle quite a few times and the horror ends up actually having tense and captivating moments, but they are too few and far between as to adjust my scoring and overall feelings about the game.

This will forever be a childhood classic and my favorite nostalgic game to go back to and play once and a while, either on pc or playstation.

Control is one of if not the most interesting, perplexing and captivating games I’ve played in a long time. Being in love with the SCP universe made picking this game up close to a no-brainer but as I haven’t played any of the previous games from the development team I came into Control without any expectations. Now before I continue I have to be honest and say that I dropped the game around 3 hours in into my first play through in 2021. This happened after I found it too confusing and not quite mine, but after revisiting it and actually immersing myself into the world and reading the collectibles that were spread around the map I am in love with the love and effort the writers and developers put into fleshing out the lore and making the world weird yet somehow believable. This game is a masterpiece and I hope anyone that is slightly intrigued by what I just wrote gives the game a fair shot and immersed themselves into the world of Control as it is well worth every bit of praise it received and will continue to receive.

Having previously played the PS4 release of the previous Spider-Man game and having seen clips of the movement on various platforms, I came into this with high expectations and was definitely not disappointed! Miles Morales gives a very interesting insight into the backstory and further characters only barely introduced in the previous entry. The entire story, while captivating, left some things to wish for, especially in length and content outside of the main story, but mostly made up for it in its interesting premise, the amazingly fluid combat and movement mechanics, and within the tight story beats.