2 reviews liked by spidehr

Alright, let's get this out of the way. The only way you're playing this game is random matchmaking online multiplayer. And let me tell you the community that gets super into this game is 7 different grades of pure saturated dog ass when it comes to people skills. You'll hear all sorts of "colorful" commentary on all sorts of subjects all while those people happily inform you that you're terrible at the game while they're running 0/10/1. This is an unavoidable fact of life when you play CS2.

But past that, after muting the ingame voice chat and trying your damn hardest to ignore the text chat that you can't disable for god knows why, this game is a fucking blast if you can get a group of friends together to fuck around in it. The strategy and the figuring out how the hell to do certain things, figuring out the guns you like, blowing thousands of dollars for skins that will give you the fleeting hit of dopamine to keep going in life for whatever reason, it's all here and it's all done pretty damn well. A lovely balance for some of the most toxic vile shit I've heard and read outside of a League of Legends lobby.

I think I've replayed this more times than two girls one cup. Kevin Conroy is by far the best Batman.