February, 2024


7h 16m

so far nightmare has been pretty easy to cheese (just hide in a room with a lock) aside from when it spawned in an area i hadn't been to b4, so i didn't know where to go.

but THEN he popped out right where i needed to go and i died a million times trying 2 get past his legs 😭😭

when i finally made it past i went the wrong way and had to reload my save 2 do it again 💀


10h 47m


u know it's a good game when your first play session is 11 hours LMAO

so far i haven't used any of the psi neuromods bcuz i don't wanna deal with the turrets being mad at me lol 'n i honestly might not until my next playthrough tbh



0h 46m

part of the reason my kills were so down was bcuz i had it on team deathmatch and in my sniper spots, i saw my own team more often than not lmao so i turned it 2 free for all n i'm doing better now i think !!!!

gonna get that aim up brother 💪💪

2h 25m

i was so confused when i opened it and it said i was 41% done ?????? like this game is short as hell.

i wanted to finish it in one go but i got too scared + annoyed 😭😭 i'm at 87% now (clock puzzle.)

i was gonna wait until i finished this to play prey but w/e i rlly wanna play prey lmao

ALSO never putting a puzzle game on hard mode again it's just a bad idea


1h 16m


only wanted 2 play so i could use the python but i unlock it at lvl18 💔💔

soooo i'm practicing my sniping skills while waiting to get to lvl18 (and lvl15 for the ballistic knife) :3

i got some cool kills but i still mostly suck lol


4h 44m



this game pissed me off so much but i loved it



2h 50m


coolest main menu screen i've ever seen fr

this game is actually epic as hell ???? so far at least


3h 32m


i didn't rmbr much of this game from when i first played it as a kid, but WOW that finale rlly stuck with me.

was fun !!! not as good as MW2; better than MW1. the mission variety kinda sucks but the last few missions r great.

time for black ops !!! <3



2h 27m

i was downloading black ops 2 + installing black ops while playing and my game FULL froze (couldn't tab out or anything)

thankfully i found a fix tho so if it happens again i know what 2 do 🙏


4h 18m


idc what ANYONE says i loved this campaign and i'm sooooo pissed they never got a sequel 💔



2h 42m


this story is BONKERS like why do the maps look like the last of us ???? /pos

also doggy <3


0h 57m


going from two remasters to this is insane lmao it's so jarring

activision remaster mw3 NEOW.


3h 46m


i expected this 2 be on the same level as MW1, but this was so good omg ???



2h 43m


realized 3 missions in that i played the OG version when i was a kid lmao

ROACH !!! GHOST !!! and soap actually having a voice and lines and a model !!!!! my boys <3


2h 28m


finished !!! im so hype to play #2 JUST for roach mwah <3 (well. also ghost but y'know)

Mile High Club was so hard the first time but i got it in like 3 tries this time, and most of my deaths were at the very start lmao

Game Over i didn't realize u could crouch so i was super mad that i didn't have any cover & kept dying 😵‍💫



2h 20m


made a base in a redwood forest for now, and i'm gonna make a huge cherry tree as a base in the cherry blossom grove (bcuz tbh the planks aren't that cute).

i like my redwood base but the roof looks SO bad 😭😭 and i have a roofing mod but it'd take too much time rn getting the supplies for it so. awful roof 4 now (ill circle back around once i finish my main base probably).

gonna get animals next i think so that i don't have 2 worry about food. i've got the Animania mod so im pretty excited 2 play around with it !!

2h 41m

I HATE THE ONE SHOT, ONE KILL MISSION SO MUUUUUCH. particularly the carnival bit. it's not necessarily Hard it's just the fact that it takes five million years for the heli to get there and when it does, there's no checkpoint :(

thank god i found a rat spot at the back end of the go-kart arena. i just go prone next to a tree and snipe whoever gets close.

i did better this time around than the first time for sure tho. last time i got so mad i had to stop and try again the next day lmao i was MALDING.


1h 32m

restarted ch.14 to save ammo for the squid fight. i HATE the subway section omg

1h 19m

still working on my base. also food is such a problem rn so im tryna hurry up the building so i can get a farm setup (bcuz pam's harvestcraft) and maybe some animals too ???

1h 29m

was playing while (re)watching agents of SHIELD bcuz ADHD but i got too mad doing the shock & awe mission so i had 2 stop lol.


2h 37m


made a new world bcuz i forgot 2 turn on biomes o'plenty for my sidney world. the kicker is that i've had kind of awful world gen 4 this world as well, so i haven't found any cute biomes 2 settle in yet :(


1h 7m

whoever on the team that came up with the circular water maze Ummmmmm count ur days !

0h 53m

thank GOD for the ppl in fitgirl's comments bcuz i had this game crashing bug and i was so scared i wouldn't be able 2 play anymore but some guy had the same problem and someone else had the solution <3


4h 29m


like sims, this runs so well on my new laptop !!!!!!!!!!

i messed up the world gen so it's all vanilla biomes :( BUT i found a nice place to put my base (peak of a flower forest) and got diamonds like 2hrs in lmao. house building with decocraft + mr crayfish's furniture mod is so fun !!!



1h 17m


i spent like 20mins on the lock puzzle only to google it and find out that u can't solve it until later iiiiiiiiiii


4h 33m


got all 6 endings so IM FINALLY DONE !!!! I GET 2 PLAY MADISON NOW !!!!!! rejoice

shifts completed: 12
times possessed: 4 (3 were for endings okay trust)
demons banished: 10
bodies embalmed: 36
bodies burned: 15
endings got: 6 out of 6



0h 50m


i haven't played a shooter with a mouse & keyboard in forever. pray for me

also this download was long as hell it was like 3hrs to download & 5hrs to install or smth like that lmao



0h 50m

waiting 4 the cutscene i need is hell (pun intended)

3h 12m

guysssssssss talullah befriended kenji and it was up in the air if they'd date, but then i gave him a makeover and gave him too cute of a hairstyle for them NOT to get 2gether (emo swoop over the left eye)

and then they risky woohoo'd and now i think she's pregnant 😭😭 which isn't rlly what i wanted becuz it's hard enough taking care of hailey's two toddlers (altho wyatt is growing up into a child soon) and we don't rlly have the room for more children but oh well


0h 43m

why is it so hard to find sims at lots??? sawyer needs a friend 😥

also i got this glitch where a sim was invisible and so her baby she was carrying was like. gliding across the ground it was hilarious 😭😭 and THEN she yelled at sawyer (for zero reason) WHILE still invisible 😭