December, 2023


4h 0m


5/5 characters alive!!!

favs: Jamie & the killer lol

hated with a passion: Charlie >:( he went downhill in the beginning and it just kept getting worse,,,,,,, idk how ppl like him tbh



5h 7m


used scene selection to save erin 3 times lol it makes me feel scummy but like. lesbians. i gotta keep em together. (and 4 the record i'd never do that with any other character i prommy)


5h 0m


4/5 characters alive; lost Eric (confrontation w Salim)

favs: Jason & Salim <3 he rlly pissed me off when he killed Eric tho πŸ˜’ like babe pls why did u think that was a good idea 😭


3h 0m


2/5 characters alive; in order, lost Angela (shot), John (made the wrong choice w the door), & Taylor (auto-died to the demon bcs of traits πŸ˜”)

favs: Daniel (altho he was pissin me off when he was heavily blaming mary)

hated w a passion: John (he was likeable in the beginning but he rlly started getting annoying toward the end, especially when he was lobbying for the death of mary when i was already set on saving herπŸ˜’)

disliked: Angela (rlly hated her at the start but she actually grew on me, surprisingly. srry that i got u killed king πŸ’”)


3h 3m


bro gale died in the middle of my party (along w every1 but astarion) n i didn't know abt his whole necrotic aura thing so i was so confused why i was taking dmg trying to revive the party 😭

and then RIGHT after that long ass cutscene ended of gale giving instructions on how to revive him, my only party member left died to the aura 😭




5/5 characters alive
favs: Brad & Fliss
disliked: Conrad (mostly that scene w the money,,,,,, c'mon man)


November, 2023

October, 2023

September, 2023


211h 0m

(picked a random day so that my total time played is accurate <3)

July, 2023

March, 2023