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This game kicks some serious ass. Some of the best combat in gaming. The humor is very self-aware and still indulges in its ridiculousness in all the right ways. After 11 years, this is what the franchise needed. This version adds in Vergil and Legendary Dark Knight difficulty, which gives this game even more replay value than before (it already had six difficulty modes and Bloody Palace). Only complaints I have is that I found the ending to be kinda weak and the game does get a little repetitive around towards the middle. I also think Lady and Trish do absolutely nothing in this game and that's a real shame. They completely get sidelined. But other than that, this game is absolutely amazing. I love how varied each of the three characters feel and the amount of enemy variety present in the game. The overall level design is simple but effective, which works in the game's benefit. This should be the blueprint for future DMC games to come, which, after this one, have the potential to be some of the best games of all time. I highly recommend checking this one out if you're into over-the-top hack-and-slash combat or even want to get into the genre or series. This was my first DMC game and it was super accessible. For newcomers, I do recommend seeing a recap on Youtube. The game itself has a recap but its mostly meant for people who have played the older games before, as it just kinda bombards you with information and not everyone is gonna retain it all. Can't wait to see where Capcom takes this series next, especially with what the ending set up. DMC6 when?