this game is just...odd. at first I liked the campaign mode where you're building lots of different parks with different challenges, but the constant building of the same habitat types for the same dinosaurs gets repetitive fast. there's a skill tree, but it's weird in campaign mode because you just unlock the same first few levels over and over. also i thought letting the dinosaurs maul visitors would be a bigger deal but apparently not

I appreciate the diversity and uniqueness of the powerups, as well as the art style and story (although the writing itself is so clunky I genuinely thought it was a poor translation). I just had to drop it because I was constantly at a loss as to where to go next, there's no fast travel, and unfortunately it's just nearly impossible to google this kind of thing for this genre

a life sim with some intriguing fresh elements. lacking in some polish, but it seems they've really cleaned things up since the first release, and the core mechanics are solid. The quests here actually feel meaningful, and I was genuinely motivated to befriend the townsfolk and learn their schedules so we could hang out ('hanging out' as a mechanic is another big plus for me). my only real gripes are with how reliant i was on the wiki, because there's no way i would've found some of the fish and bugs necessary for shrines on my own. i'm talking obscure easter egg levels for an item thats necessary to progress. i don't think it's fair to compare to stardew, because besides being a life sim the mechanics are totally different, and a lot of those differences are positive. the game stands on its own, it's solid as is, and if it continues to improve as it has already i have high hopes for it

hmu when they finish the game

A fair amount of changes from the first game, for better or worse, but altogether I think it's a wash. Adding in above-water sections and a couple characters to talk to was neat. Seemed a lot easier, but that could be a combination of having played the previous game already and being less shy about looking up the location of shit (worst part of both games is when you need to find a thing but the only 'hint' you got was a PDA message you got hours ago and forgot where you were when you got it). ummm but there IS a milf

on one hand the game is unfinished, but the amount of potential drives me crazy. i absolutely love this concept, and would kill for a better realized monster-farming concept (cloud meadow dni). i think there's solid bones here, someone steal this concept please


listen. no really listen. as a business management sim its genuinely solid, the mechanics build up nicely, there's decent variety without leaving anything crucial to rng. the writing is all very goofy but its so over the top that i found it more charming than annoying. and like ok. ok. the sex stuff is funny. best integration of sex in a video game that i've seen in my admittedly limited experience -- the game is fully playable and satisfying without it, it's totally skippable with different options for how nsfw you want to get. i appreciate a game that embraces how inherently silly it is

Love a game that's a LITTLE willfully obtuse, it really does just throw you into the deep end, but that said it's not like you can really 'lose', things are just challenging at first. The environment and artwork is terrific, and I'm the kind of nerd who loves picking up trash in video games so I don't mind some grinding. Highly recommend looking at the guidebook for some good starter tips

RPGMaker farming sim is an ambitious ask, and for the most part I think it's done very well. It's not as freeform as a Stardew but I don't think it needs to be, or even should be. The farming mechanics, while limited, are varied and rich enough to make the initial sprinkling of horror that much more impactful. Honestly I found myself getting more caught up in the farm mechanics and forgetting about the plot for some stretches. There's a lot of exploration and discovery at play. Plot was eh, I mainly enjoyed the subtle horror nudges you get before the endgame kicks in: a shift in music, a trail of blood you don't recall seeing there last time, a missing animal or two. But the actual scariest part of the game is the stamina and fatigue system. If you chafe at stardew's stamina limitations you'll absolutely hate this, but I love to suffer and eat 100 steamed crabs a day

Incredible game concept, very fun to play. I do wish you didn't have to play through every piece of every broadcast to see the other endings - can we just pretend I played the nice adverts instead of the naughty ones so I can see what happens when Advance likes me?

Very cute and well-designed lil chess game

real tough one to rate, seems that's a common thread. It's stylish as fuck and I love the minigames battle system (not perfect, but infinitely more engaging and interesting than "hit attack and hope you don't miss"). There's just a sense of missed potential with this game. tldr i did really like it, it's artistically inspiring, it does a lot of things well...which just makes the shortcomings more obvious.

Your character never seems to be able to make any choices, and with the extremely limited inventory there aren't even many decisions to be made regarding battles, you either get good at the minigames or you don't. grinding seems pointless, since non-boss battles award you a pittance of Fortune Coins (if any!) and my level capped out before I beat the game. Normally in games like this I enjoy looking for little hidden items or character actions, but the stuff you do find seems inconsequential (found a new goblin? well you don't get to choose which one comes out during battle and they all behave the same...) or just fills up your inventory with garbage. Would've loved to see more side-quests, optional content, branching paths, character relationships, and for a game with this much love and charisma it's heartbreaking that in the end it's a pretty bland story, and digging any deeper yielded more frustration than awe.

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Kinda a downgrade from the first one tbh. Sneaking around the house was a fun mechanic but other than that it's basically the first game but with only 1 date. Didn't dig the plot as much either, the 'true' endings seemed a lot more straightforward to find, and even the ending gauntlet felt loads easier than Nyan's (last 2 of the 7 minutes i was just staring at candles, completely safe). Got all the endings in under 4 hours, even while letting all the voice lines play out

sooooo so so good. for a game where all you do is fish the different areas feel distinct and have some neat mechanics. you should be able to keep the dog > : (