Average shoot'em up that features a whip ability to smack your enemies.

Going to be a bi-polar review because of the sharp spike of difficulty on the final boss. Overall borrows heavily from Star Soldier series with near identical power-ups, stage design, vertical scrolling speed, with little slowdown.

Fantastic music that is also played throughout. Initially was going to recommend for beginners in the genre that allows forgiving continues, plentiful power-ups, fair mini-bosses and end bosses.

Although the final boss last version is near impossible to defeat the difficulty ramps up to where no amount of bombs, shields collected will save you! Average, borderline shooter lacking identity.

Several steps down from the arcade original overall; average graphics, slow gameplay, although the unique formation feature is in-tact. Difficulty ramps up on stage 5 onward. I had trouble recognizing what was in the background and foreground maneuvering my ship. Tricky stages that requires the proper formation, but the bosses are a breeze once powered up.

Great memories reading the comic book series years ago, around the time the exclusive game was released. I rented it a few times but could never progress that far. Finally going back all these years later to complete it! That being said, it is a charming game that draws you into the world that allows for 2P co-operative gameplay and use of the light gun.

Changes up from a standard run'and gun, platformer, arcade first-person shooter, to name a few. Downside is the sloppy hit detection whether jumping platform to platform, dodging explosions, and falling through micro cracks near elevators. I found a few mechanics such as roll-dodging, and jump kicking detrimental overall.

Intriguing exclusive weapon based 3D fighting game, with rough controls.

Seamless experience but lost the charm of the series.

Solid vertical shooter with a ridiculously long final boss! Without spoiling try to save as many bombs as possible for the final stage.

Wonderful atmosphere on par with the best shoot'em ups has to offer! Not to mention excellent original soundtrack worth buying.

Fun exclusive isometric action-adventure game! Possible to complete without English translation.

Average robot action game with detailed cut scenes, too bad the game is very short to complete.

Distinct pre-rendered graphical style with the characters complete with 3D map locations. Battles are the most satisfying unlocking new abilities and party members. Primary focus on the strategy aspect with a linear story-line and small world map. Role-playing elements come in second by talking to town locals, shops, having a natural story progression. Some optional side-quest are available but not necessary to complete the game.

Ambitious early experimental board game that utilized the strength of the hardware. Digitized characters on a animated background participate in a collection zany mini-games from matching, jigsaw puzzle, and others. Product of it's time that has decent replay value.

A step down in the visual department, still retains sloppy hit detection. Appreciate the tweaks in the stage design that breaks up the monotony of the original. Bosses are less creative, a few broken that are easily defeated.

Average shooter that has a 2P option. Stages 1-4 difficulty were average but in stage 5 the difficult increased exponentially, especially when the black helicopter formations showed up- that required precision aircraft placement. After stage five the game went back to being average difficulty, surprisingly including the final boss.

Mediocre maze action game that misses the mark. Variation of the original 1987 arcade game Kid No Hore Hore Daisakusen which featured a more frantic & challenging experience. This version tones down the gameplay exponentially, perhaps appealing to novice players.