Beautifully animated cut-scenes with average light gun gameplay.

It's easy to brush this off as an un-finished tech demo compilation complete with previews of upcoming games by WARP- but it is complete if you give it time. Ring-out gameplay by shooting your opponent in order to stun them then rushing towards your opponent to bump them off the stage to win. Each map has random item such as lightning, poison, kisses with unique attributes. Later levels have teleport portals to maneuver on-coming attacks. Average gameplay including 2P multiplayer mode with a solid frame-rate.

It's easy to scoff at the early use of 3D polygons blending with 2D sprites but this was released in 1995. It utilizes the systems strengths of polygonal textures, multiple camera angle choices, and a unique time-lapse feature. The battle system is to the point with your usual turn-based style although having obstacles like trees and shrubs in the way where you must plan your next move or attack.

Your journey begins right away- you quickly become familiar with the menus, towns, and map. Average story-line that progresses with the allies you meet. At times becomes predicable, and is lacking optional side missions. Majority of the caves are linear with a few routes leading to hidden treasures but nothing additional. The soundtrack is a major stand-out and high point of the game as well.

Overall a quaint role-playing game on your quest to rescue your master and defeat Death Shadow.

Below average horizontal shooter without any dinosaurs!

Painfully average side scrolling action game. Mediocre gameplay complete with lackluster bosses.