i expected this to be an interesting critique of something, but it instead feels like it was written by an edgy middle schooler. the voice acting is pretty good but the best voice actors couldn't save the fact that no one talks like this.

nothing is explored, this is just "lets throw every possible edgy topic at the wall and hope something sticks" the game. this game is supposed to be wildly funny but it just isn't if you're over the age of fifteen. the 1 star is because this game is definitely gay and the half star is because i think the outfit changing thing is cool :]

not only is this game super fun to play it's also a fantastic critique of capitalism so really it has it all.

cannibalism, homosexuality, autism... this game really has it all damn!

i adore frozen, but even when i got this game back in 2013 i thought it was pretty mediocre, but looking back now it's downright disappointing. it only gets as high of a rating as it does for the IP. this game is less interesting than the most basic of 2010 leap frog games.