"We alone do not have the power to heal the world's woes, or to solve all its mysteries.

And yet, even then...

It was bloody good knowing ya, mate!
Thanks for being born 'you,' Serge!"

Is it really so radical to dream of a better, kinder world of our own making?

We mourn that which we once were, what we could have been, and the lives that we may have once been able to call ours. We embrace who we are, who we will become, and the lives that we do call ours.

Conflict, grief and loss are all inevitable. Joy is scant, fleeting, something that must be found and forged rather than something that is promised. Even so - we endure, we survive, and against that which attempts to persuade us to falter and cease... we do our very best for the world around us, for those within it, and for ourselves. For what more can one be expected to do with their existence? What is the gift of life if not meant to be seized for all that it has to offer, against all odds, against all obstacles, and against all pretenses of what one is supposed to be?

Chrono Cross is my favorite game of all time and my favorite work of narrative fiction in general. I will probably never have enough to say about it that would be even remotely worthy of communicating the sentiment, value and importance that this game holds in my heart.

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2022


1 year ago

Every time you write about Chrono Cross, I think about it differently. Thank you so much for helping me come to appreciate it so much more.

1 year ago

I started up writing a blueprint for an essay on this game that I think this post is giving me the fire under the ass to finish. Thanks for that, homie. Hit me up if you wanna chat Cross sometimes.

1 year ago

thank you to the both of you - i'm flattered as always to hear that my thoughts have any impact on other people at all. i don't think that the attention could go towards a better game, personally.

1 year ago


i ended up writing this, thanks to you.

1 year ago

That's really touching. Maybe I should play Chrono Cross one day.