This one always annoyed me as a kid, especially with the sections where you play as a different character, but revisiting the remastered version as an adult made it kind of charming in a way. Overall felt more interesting than 2, but couldn't beat the simplicity of 1.

Walking simulator with pretty environments. The story was too vague to really draw me in and I mostly just played to get all of the achievements.

One of my favorites to revisit and try to 120% as fast as possible. Out of the original trilogy, this was the only one I hadn't actually played through beyond the first couple levels, so it was fun to get to properly experience it.

This was my personal favorite of the original trilogy as a kid, so I was super excited to play it when it released. Unfortunately despite the nostalgia I have for it, I feel like it's the weakest of the three for me.

Overall a solid game. Better platforming and combat mechanics than the first one, but the story felt a little lacking for me at some points and it definitely was missing some of the charm/humor the first had.

Huge nostalgia game personally. The graphics are brighter and more polished than the original and overall it felt the same gameplay-wise for me. The item collecting gets tedious toward the end (especially the golden spatulas you have to buy from Mr. Krabs) and the multiplayer is garbage.

Short and cute, although ultimately nothing particularly special for me. The characters aren't exactly likable in my opinion, and the game felt too short to really explore the mechanics.


Very sweet and chill game with a beautiful art style. I found myself disappointed with how few cooking puzzles there actually were in the game, but it tells an interesting story about culture and family.

Haven't touched new game plus yet, but overall fun gameplay, interesting story, and absolutely fantastic soundtrack. Highly recommend if you like rhythm games and thinking about the nature of existence.

Always wanted to play this as a kid and finally was able to snag it while it was on sale on Steam. Loved the story and humor, but the wonky and at times broken platforming (specifically the last level) are what brings it down for me.

I knew as soon as I saw the trailer that I needed to play this game. Gameplay could be a little janky at times but overall very cute, wish there was more.

Wonderful little puzzle game that had me so captivated that I played through the whole thing in one sitting. My only wish was that there was more.

An absolutely beautiful puzzle/exploration game that I fully believe everyone should experience. The only downside is that you can never play it for the first time again, but it is more than worth it.