the inverse of judgment
AMAZING combat but the story is middling

dragon engine jank combat but slightly refined
KINO story

the combat kind of fucking sucks but the ending scene was good and the final boss was arguably the best in the series

jrpg kino with one of the best narratives in the series and ichiban is a great successor to kiryu

the weirdest game in the series but love the hirose boys and kiryu is at his best here

the most ambitious and greatest game in one of the best video game series ever

i miss you shinada

saejima's section is like the only good part of the story

plebian filter

one of the best stories in the series and the gameplay is a fun mixup compared to the rest of the series

mogs tekken 7 in every way.

most kino story in any fighting game and one of the greatest fights in gaming i've ever played. online is pretty good but heat is kind of fucking stupid

good game if you dont give a shit about the story of tekken

combat isn't as good as 3 or the games after it, but the vibe and story are standouts for the series

feels kinda bad like the first, but the story is much more interesting and heihachi is based.