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April 5, 2024

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Yeah, so… what happened? Don’t get me wrong, I never played the original Resi trilogy so I have no idea how faithful the remakes are, but the difference in game philosophy between RE2 and RE3 is staggering. After a game focused on meticulous clearing of each room and careful inventory management we get a game stripped of almost everything that made the previous entry in the franchise so fun to play.

The tension is almost entirely gone, maybe except for the first hour where you’re navigating around a sizable chunk of Raccoon City and, in proper RE fashion, need to find a handful of key objects to access the next level. The city looks gorgeous, both the street exteriors and shop interiors are packed with details that bring the city to life. But even in these first moments with the game it feels like a watered down version of RE2.

The game pushes you quickly from one area to the next without too much backtracking, which in theory should sound like an improvement, but the whole idea of the predecessor was learning the layout of the level and trying to survive amongst zombies which were difficult to put down for good and with Mr. X breathing down your neck. This time the experience is closer to a run of the mill action game with competent shooting mechanics and impressive visuals, but very little soul or tension left. And yes, Nemesis is an absolute chore to fight.

Lastly - it took me 4 hours to beat the game, almost to the minute. For a title with no replayability value it’s almost criminal to sell the game at full price, thankfully I got to play it through Game Pass. But the cut scenes look nice, maybe that’s where the budget went? Anyway, Resident Evil 3 is completely skippable.