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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 13, 2024

First played

May 6, 2024

Platforms Played


Weird to think that this game came from the mind of the original creator of Dead Space. It clearly draws a lot from that game, but it also fails at everything that made it great, which begs the question of what was Glen Schofield thinking when he directed this one.

Story is generic and predictable (experiment gone wrong at a prison? who would have thought) Characters are not memorable. The performances of the main actors are great, but it isn't enough to save how generic they feel.

Enemy variety is laughable, I can only think about 4 or 5, one of them being confined to the final chapters. Combat is definitely worse than in Dead Space, putting a lot of emphasis into melee which feels very repetitive. It's also extremely easy, and the over reliance on melee means ammo is never a problem so a big part of the difficulty is simply gone.

It's also not scary, relying A LOT in jump scares which become predictable after the first hour (oh look, a grabbing enemy. Oh look, a bug hidden in a chest. Oh look, an enemy appearing out of a vent)

It looks very good, but honestly I wouldn't recommend it, specially with Dead Space Remake being out. A shame, because I would have loved to like it, as DS is one of my favorite games and a proper revival could have been amazing.