Log Status






Time Played

3h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 5, 2022

Platforms Played


A mixed bag really. The setting and cultural subject matter aren't your usual fare, focusing on and telling stories from Hindu mythology which are narrated (along with the main story) really quite compellingly by
Durga and Vishnu. I also really appreciate the design of the world and while the platforming can be standard fare, the game always manages to look good while you're traversing temples, jungles and deserts.

On the flip side though there's the combat, which is fine but there's not a lot of weight to your actions and hitboxes can be a little all over the shop. There are attempts to vary up encounters with different weapons and choosing which elements are assigned to them, but it doesn't really change much as you end up getting into repetitive spam fights quite regularly.

As mentioned earlier, I really quite enjoyed being told the various stories in the game, the main one is slightly basic, and there are far too many times where climactic-looking events just happen and you're thrown into a completely different section of the game. And while I don't mind where the game's main story ends up going, it ends far too abruptly.